I am woman, hear me roar.

I like music to soothe me.

If I have to, I can do anything.

[On God:] She makes everything possible.

I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman.

I'm still an embryo with a long long way to go.

I did my own music videos, my own TV commercials.

Women temper men. We have a good influence on them.

Sometimes it seems like you and me against the world.

It's so nice to be insane, no one asks you to explain.

I think back and marvel that my ambitions were so small.

Stop living a day at a time and stop worrying about age.

Depression, as far as I'm concerned, is just a waste of time.

In the '50s, a lot of girls never saw beyond the wedding day.

Three-quarters of the world’s population doesn’t have enough to eat!

Three-quarters of the world's population doesn't have enough to eat!

I was looking for a husband, but meanwhile to survive, I had to work.

Please don't ask me any questions about the politics of 30 years ago.

I'm a very private person, and when I leave the stage, I leave the stage.

If I have to, I can do anything. I am strong, I am invincible, I am Woman.

I don't think any one person is the cause of all of someone else's problems.

Hindsight is wonderful. It's always very easy to second guess after the fact.

You're not going to find a man whose socks don't get dirty or who doesn't snore.

I had a career for 25 years in Australia before I ever came to the United States.

Yoga is wonderful. It clears up most health problems. It also gives you an overview.

There is no magic person out there, no perfect human being out there waiting for you.

A lot of women are turned off by the physical appearance of some of the first feminists.

Women today have more of an overview of their lives and how marriage is or is not a part of it.

I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore, and I know too much to go back and pretend.

I always believed that I could make it or I would never have spent so many years trying to get here.

I thought Erica Jongs Fear of Flying was one of the biggest pieces of crap that Ive ever read in my life.

You can bend but never break me. Cause it only serves to make me more determined to achieve my final goal.

I thought Erica Jong's Fear of Flying was one of the biggest pieces of crap that I've ever read in my life.

If you had told me when I was 18 that I wouldn't have made it until I was 29, I would have said, Forget it.

There is a wealth of twentieth century music that is being re-discovered by a generation that hasnt heard it.

There is a wealth of twentieth century music that is being re-discovered by a generation that hasn't heard it.

Most of the people I know in show business don't need anybody pushing them at all. They're extremely aggressive.

I think that two people who decide to live together in a marriage situation, they have an obligation to make the marriage work for them.

Stopping at her house is a neighbor boy with evil on his mind, cause he's been peeking in Angie's room at night through her window blind.

It took me a year to really learn the American lingo. I really feel for people who are coming here and don't speak English at all. It must be hell.

Believe it or not, most people think of me as a recording artist, but actually the way I think of myself and the way I earn my living is as a performing artist.

I worked with my parents on the stage in production numbers since I was 4, but I never really gave much thought to being a performer on my own until I was 12 or 13.

If you tell people your ambitions, they usually laugh at you. When I told my girlfriends when I was 12 that I was going to Hollywood, they all laughed. And here I am!

The most exciting thing about women's liberation is that this century will be able to take advantage of talent and potential genius that have been wasted because of taboos.

I don't know if it's a sign of all the chaos that is happening out there or not, but I've lately craved the structure and order of classical music, the balance and symmetry.

I couldn't do anything. I'd work in a department store for a couple of weeks, but I couldn't hack it. I couldn't even type! I had no skills whatsoever outside of show business.

I was very strongly influenced by women's magazines and I really believed tha a woman could not be married and raise a family and have a successful career all at the same time.

I wanted control over the merchandising, the actual packaging of the product. That was a big factor. The only way for me to exercise control on all those levels was to start my own label.

I believe wholeheartedly in marriage. I don't exclusively mean a marriage with a legal contract, but any relationship that constitutes a marriage because of the quality of their relationship.

It took so long to make it in America. The year I arrived was a bad year for women singers, the record company told me. So I starved. I lived in a hotel so dreadful I can't even talk about it.

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