South Central is just who I am.

For my birthday, buy me a politician!

Get a grip, Oreo, and be true to the game.

Hollywood is obsessed with police stories.

Never question the size of Ice Cube's balls!

We'll burn your store right down to a crisp.

I'm always happy. I've just got a mean face.

A bird in the hand is worth more than a Bush.

Should I peel a cap or should I let him survive?

I care about what I look like on the red carpet.

If the day did not require an AK then it was good

I love performing. I'll never get that out of me.

I think, to me, reality is better than being fake.

Anything that got to do with a pig, I ain't eatin'.

You don't have to be super clean to be a super star

My son, O'Shea. He looks like me, and he can rhyme.

Sometimes, when you want to laugh, reality steps in.

There's never really been a real hood Christmas movie.

We have to step up as adults and try to guide our youth.

I think I'm unique to the game 'cause of my versatility.

I always want to read the script before I totally commit.

Ice Cube is the piece of me that I give away to the public.

You always want your kids to step up at the moment of truth.

I won't do anything for money. I won't compromise my manhood.

Rapping is talking and communicating, and that's always good.

To be the cream of the crop is no easy feat. It's a big deal.

My movies work because not many people in Hollywood are like me.

I think the worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing.

Sports without music is just a game. Music makes it entertaining.

I make a mean cup of coffee, if you give me the right ingredients.

Usually people who attack the rap are people who aren't even fans.

I love music. It's freedom, a way to deal with pent-up frustration.

Nobody I know got killed in South Central LA. Today was a good day.

You ask me, "Did I like Arsenio?" About as much as the Bicentennial.

I don't think people should try to force their will on their family.

I really appreciate family. I really can't imagine life without them!

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall with a joint, drinking some eight-ball.

Sports without music, it's nothing but a game. Music adds the emotion.

Cool people still have a hard time showing what they got in Hollywood.

Go down to the corner store and beat the Jap up, clean all the crap up.

Rap is just somebody getting something off his chest. That's all it is.

Cinderella hoein' for the fellas, Mr. Roger was getting kind of jealous.

I don't consider myself ever joining. But I have affiliations, for sure.

I always was like, "Yo, I'm here, I might as well get what I could take."

I grew up in the seventies and disco was big. That influenced me the most.

You the devil in drag. You can burn your cross, Well, I'll burn your flag.

You don't have to spend $200 million or $100 million to make a great movie.

The '80s was wild compared to my real small childhood, which was late '70s.

Today I didn't even have to even use my A.K ! I got to say it was a good day

If you born in the mud, you gonna be dirty, and people don't understand that.

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