I love Howard Dean.

We have to end cash bail.

COVID-19 has upended our economy.

Protecting our kids is a sacred obligation.

When we lift women up, our communities thrive.

We deserve a Senator who helps us keep our jobs.

I broke the cycle of poverty thanks to education.

As Democrats, we believe in fairness and opportunity.

Federal resources are vital to the health of our HBCUs.

I know Democrats who have written Lindsey Graham checks.

I'm a cartoon junkie. Love 'Avatar: The Last Airbender.'

We deserve a Senator who cares about our children's safety.

We can't leave small business owners to fend for themselves.

I disagree with those who want to shut down the H-1B Visa program.

South Carolina is more of a conservative state than a Republican state.

People are tired of the politics of Donald Trump. l really do believe that.

I listen to a lot of oldies stuff. Some Motown, Michael Jackson, jazz, etc.

South Carolina's lack of access to quality maternal health care is pervasive.

We stand on the shoulders of giants - and that's something we can never forget.

Our nation's debt has to be a concern for us all. It is not sustainable long-term.

Tom Perez has brought integrity, passion, and tenacity to every job he's ever had.

In 2020, no child should go hungry, and yet, in South Carolina 1-in-5 children do.

I am not in favor of implementing a Medicare-for-All, single payer healthcare system.

I'm fully aware of the tricks that are often played in elections here in South Carolina.

The history of Black Americans in South Carolina is riddled with trials and tribulations.

You never know when you lend somebody a hand, what that means for the rest of their lives.

The climate change issue is real and we are seeing its effects right here in South Carolina.

When I think about my legacy, I think about the world that we leave behind for our children.

Black business owners throughout America too often face bigger barriers to accessing capital.

Medicare should be allowed to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices on prescriptions.

Every American, and every corporation, should pay their fair share to build the American dream.

I was born into long odds. I know what the David versus Goliath story is. My life has been that.

My family, like many families here in South Carolina, have faced difficult financial situations.

There are people of all colors and creeds across our state who've lost faith in our political system.

We don't need more government, we just need the government we have to work smarter and more efficiently.

We need to close the loopholes that allowed large corporations to abuse the Paycheck Protection Program.

Lindsey Graham can't lead us in any direction because he traded his moral compass for petty political gain.

We have seen communities cry out in pain, generation after generation, because of racism and police brutality.

Black History Month is a poignant time for the entire country, but particularly the African American community.

Part of what makes South Carolina so beautiful is the land we conserve for wildlife and for future generations.

The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, and I would vote to build on its success while fixing what doesn't work.

The Democratic Party has to transform itself. We can't just pop up every two or four years and hope people will support us.

Small businesses are the heart and soul of South Carolina's economy - from our bait stores to our restaurants and barber shops.

Climate change is threatening ecosystems in South Carolina, while making it less safe and more costly to live along our coastline.

I've picked butter beans, okra, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew. I've butchered pigs, chickens. We made our own sausage and pudding.

I was in middle school when Hurricane Hugo hit in 1989. I still remember the sounds from that night and the challenges of recovering.

We are no strangers to hurricanes in South Carolina. These storms are part of life, especially in the Lowcountry and all along our coast.

There's Lindsey Graham 1.0 and then there's Lindsey Graham 2.0. I could not beat Lindsey Graham 1.0. That was the John McCain-Lindsey Graham.

South Carolina needs a Senator who cares about South Carolina, who fights for you, who understands and feels your pain, and works to address it.

Our leaders cannot and should not give up when compromise seems out of reach, especially when the economic security of South Carolinians is at stake.

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