Every journey starts with fear.

I'm superstitious a little bit.

I'm a harsh critic, you know? I am.

I'm more Baskin-Robbins style myself.

I'm open to whatever people want to call me.

I love 'Training Day' - that's a great movie.

My experience on 'Jarhead' was life changing.

They're the darkest people I know, comedians.

I love artists. I love watching other people work.

I had not spent a ton of time around animals as a kid.

Crazy people don't sit around wondering if they're nuts.

By cool, I don't mean cool. I mean vulnerable and a mess.

Ask yourself why a red carpet is red. It could be any colour.

Most of the things that I learn are from the women in my life.

I walk around thinking job to job, trying to not have regrets.

Do I take care of my body and take conditioning seriously? Yes.

My mum raised us on classic movies and a lot of musical theatre.

Do you know what fear stands for? False Evidence Appearing Real.

I promise that, one day, everything's going to be better for you.

I hope I'm a spiritual person. I'm trying to be a spiritual person.

Sometimes love is calm and easy and sometimes it's just plain dirty.

I fooled around with Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams got pregnant.

I started to realize I love study, I love the study of human behavior.

Don't listen to what anybody says except the people who encourage you.

When somebody's really good, they're not just thinking about their job.

I'm a very political person, and I make political choices in my movies.

In a perfect world, I would love to do one play for every three movies.

I don't always think it's necessary for somebody to be nice all the time.

In work, never have any regrets and always leave everything on the field.

Theater has given me a different perspective on the way I approach films.

I don't think I'm sharp enough to not prepare and come on set and kill it.

You can’t just lump things into two categories. Things aren’t that simple.

Often times it's really hard for me to articulate why I connect to something.

Every man goes through a period of thinking they're attracted to another guy.

I've learned over the years that freedom is just the other side of discipline.

As a producer, you have an opportunity to see the whole and bring people together.

Everybody is an actor in one way or another. We are all performing certain things.

As an actor, no matter what, you're at the whim of so many other people all the time.

Uta Hagen would say, there's the representational actor and the presentational actor.

I think I work as hard as I do now, because of a lot of lessons I've learned early on.

Even as an actor, I think like a storyteller. My parents raised us to look at the script.

I want, overall, to trust what I know is right. There have been many times when I haven't.

People say to me, well "What's the character you really want to play?" And I go, I don't know.

I don't have a "I want to play this or that," I just don't have that. I've never been like that.

I admire actors and artists who devote just as much time to their life as they do to their work.

Really, contrary to popular belief, I like to have a good time and not take myself too seriously.

Heath [Ledger] was always somebody who I admired.He was way beyond his years as a human, in a way.

I think it's important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.

Sometimes what I actually love to do is go to a farm and get fresh milk or watch a pig get slaughtered.

There are a lot of different things that are spinning and connecting when your family sees what you do.

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