Luck is created by the prepared.

Games are all about taking risks.

Products are valued higher than services.

Every tomorrow is determined by every today.

You can only make money doing what you love.

Infinite patience gets you immediate results.

Most people don't have the power of persuasion.

Anxiety and gratitude cant live in the same head

Poker is a skill game pretending to be a chance game.

Do what you do with love, and success is a natural symptom.

Life is a series of failures punctuated by brief successes.

Do as many ideas as possible. The right idea will pick you.

Being a leader doesn't mean you are the guy who runs things.

Quantity and persistence will get you the outcomes you need.

Teaching how to think is better than lecturing how to do it.

You're the average of the five people you spend your time with.

Life is cold. People stay warm through the intimacy of a story.

I had ideas first, wealth second. It only worked in that order.

It's in the valley of failure that we sow our seeds of success.

The American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam.

The people who don't know personal finance have TV shows about it.

Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack.

The people who know personal finance hide the money very carefully.

Read every sentence you write out loud. If it sounds boring, kill it.

I saw 'Star Wars' when I was seven years old, and it changed my life.

Branding jails corporate America but honesty sets entrepreneurs free.

If coming up with ten ideas sounds too hard, then come up with twenty.

Be honest about mistakes. Even if you are afraid of what people think.

Branding jails corporate America, but honesty sets entrepreneurs free.

Life is too long to reject the opportunities in front of you every day.

The best speakers are the ones who have put 10,000 hours into listening.

When you get in the mud with a pig, you get dirty and the pig gets happy.

Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.

If you don't live in the world of choosing, you live in the world of excusing.

How great is it to just rest and be happy and not move when you don't have to.

If you act like the river, you ultimately flow past all the rocks along the way.

Read every book, blog, website, whatever, about what you want to be an expert in.

Out of silence comes the greatest creativity. Not when we are rushing and panicking.

Ultimately, the best speakers are the ones who have put 10,000 hours into listening.

The learned man aims for more. But the wise man decreases. And then decreases again.

When the lights come on inside of you, everyone in the world can see a little better.

It's how you view the life inside you that creates the life outside of you. Everyday.

Worry will never solve tomorrow's problems. It will only take energy away from today.

People unconsciously know when you are not listening to them. Then they say 'No' to you.

It's easy to get anonymous people to hate you. Have an opinion. Be creative. Be yourself.

Investing is for wealth preservation, not wealth creation, so first you have to make wealth.

Rejection-and the fear of rejection-is the biggest impediment we face to choosing ourselves.

Money you lose you can always make back. But even five minutes of time lost is gone forever.

America is a country of fighters. People who fought their way in and then continued fighting.

It's very important to enjoy what you're doing or else you are always going to procrastinate.

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