The outlook for the economy, as always, is highly uncertain.

I studied piano for seven years and play for my own enjoyment.

Are deviations from full employment a social problem? Obviously.

I want to be completely clear that I strongly oppose 'Audit the Fed.'

I am anxious to fix welfare. There has to be more training and child care.

I've been collecting rocks since I was 8 and have over 200 different specimens.

People stop buying things, and that is how you turn a slowdown into a recession.

It's extremely important for our banks to have more capital, higher quality capital.

A U.K. vote to exit the European Union could have significant economic repercussions.

The lower half of households by wealth held just 3% of wealth in 1989 and only 1% in 2013.

It slightly worries me that when people find a problem, they rush to judgment of what to do.

The extent of and continuing increase in inequality in the United States greatly concern me.

Although we work through financial markets, our goal is to help Main Street, not Wall Street.

If it were possible to take interest rates into negative territory I would be voting for that.

We will watch very carefully what is happening in the economy and adjust policies appropriate.

Housing is a relatively small sector of the economy, and its decline should be self-correcting.

It is hard to have great confidence in predicting what market reactions to Fed decisions will be.

Nationally, the share of mortgages that are underwater fell by about one-half between 2011 and 2014.

It's important for the Fed, hard as it is, to attempt to detect asset bubbles while they're forming.

When the time comes to raise rates, I do think there will be some benefits that flow through to savers.

It's appropriate for the Fed to gradually and cautiously increase our overnight interest rate over time.

Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not.

Long-term unemployment can make any worker progressively less employable, even after the economy strengthens.

To me, a wise and humane policy is occasionally to let inflation rise even when inflation is running above target.

In effect, there has been a significant shortfall in the overall amount of monetary policy stimulus since early 2009.

There is always some chance of recession in any year. But the evidence suggests that expansions don't die of old age.

It's pretty rare to just talk to people who are having a tough time in the economy, to hear their individual stories.

An important factor influencing intergenerational mobility and trends in inequality over time is economic opportunity.

I am strongly committed to pursuing the dual goals that Congress has assigned us: maximum employment and price stability.

Firms are not always willing to cut wages, even if there are people lined up outside the gates to work. So why don't they?

Beyond monetary policy, fiscal policy has traditionally played an important role in dealing with severe economic downturns.

In the long run, outsourcing is another form of trade that benefits the U.S. economy by giving us cheaper ways to do things.

As always, it would be important to ensure that any fiscal policy changes did not compromise long-run fiscal sustainability.

Maturity transformation is a central part of the economic function of banks and many other types of financial intermediaries.

We are focused on Main Street, on supporting economic conditions - plentiful jobs and stable prices - that help all Americans.

Social safety-net spending is an important form of public funding that helps offset disparities in family resources for children.

When I was very young, my father had an accident. He fell down a flight of stairs, fractured his skull, and lost sight in one eye.

I'm just opposed to a pure inflation-only mandate in which the only thing a central bank cares about is inflation and not employment.

I don't feel that I've faced discrimination. I've had every chance to succeed and more, and I think that's what all women should have.

In my junior year, I studied geology on Saturday mornings at the Museum of Natural History. Mineralogy has always been a major interest.

My parents were born in 1906 and 1907. I think the experience of the Depression greatly influenced the way they thought about the world.

We have put in place policies through supervision and regulation that has greatly enhanced the safety and soundness of the banking system.

We're charged by Congress with regulating financial institutions. We take that mission seriously. We are tough supervisors and regulators.

Expanded credit access has helped households maintain living standards when suffering job loss, illness, or other unexpected contingencies.

We do not interpret bitcoin's popularity as having a relationship with the public's view of the Federal Reserve's conduct of monetary policy

The pace of increases in labor compensation provides another possible indicator, albeit an imperfect one, of the degree of labor market slack.

The financial sector is vital to the economy. A well-functioning financial sector promotes job creation, innovation, and inclusive economic growth.

I felt that the Fed had always been the agency that picked up the pieces when there was a financial crisis, and it was invented to do exactly that.

While admirers of capitalism, we also to a certain extent believe it has limitations that require government intervention in markets to make them work.

A crucial responsibility of any central bank is to control inflation, the average rate of increase in the prices of a broad group of goods and services.

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