You can either buy shoes or paint.

I care about the human race, and I strive to understand it.

If you would listen to every stroke of my brush, I would never need to speak again.

Creatives are feared and ridiculed... and at the same time highly valued for their ability to see things that others do not.

I saw a great bumper sticker that read: 'Do something that scares you every day.' That really stuck with me. I try to live like that.

Living in my head isn't fun sometimes. A kajillion thoughts are there at any one time, and the only place I find peace is at the easel.

There are many things one thinks about in a painting. Often, it's how to handle your chosen medium and how to best reveal the light in a three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional surface.

Sometimes I misstep into something perhaps I shouldn't, but with age comes a thick, high pair of rubber boots to wade through the barnyard. We should all have to get to the dirt and 'muck out' at some point in our lives.

I colour for a living. When I am a good artist, the only difference between me and a child is that I am more wrinkled. When I am not being a good artist, the only difference between me and a child is every difference imaginable.

I paint to understand my world and my place in it. I paint to pray, to curse, to sort, to number, to structure, to destructure, to bleed, to preserve, to recognize, to see, to hide, to show, to tell, to think, to stop thinking, to detest, to love, to act, to be still, to laugh, to cry, to detest, but mostly to love for now I am human, but in a few short years I will be something else.

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