If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all ...

If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, ...

If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal.

I love to paint.

I used to paint.

Magic is my paint.

I can paint in jail.

I paint with shapes.

Paint like a pig eats.

White paint is my marble.

Oh, I paint all the time.

I choose to paint beauty.

Paint something every day.

Paint ideas, paint thought.

I paint the American scene.

It's an honor to paint cats.

Why talk when you can paint?

I paint paintings of people.

I paint abstract expressions.

I like to paint nudes mostly.

Since I cannot sing, I paint.

I want paint to work as flesh.

I paint pictures with my raps.

If you can't paint, paint Big.

History paints the human heart.

And every dew-drop paints a bow.

Paint faster than you can think.

I paint as if I were Rothschild.

I paint. I love the visual arts.

I will paint for money any time.

I paint with my back to the world

I can't paint as well as Vermeer.

The mind paints before the brush.

I paint when I cannot photograph.

An artist paints his own reality.

Paint what you like and die happy

I'd say mostly I paint hot chicks.

I don't paint nature. I am nature.

Master water first and then paint.

You can either buy shoes or paint.

Live to paint, don't paint to live.

Rhetoric paints with a broad brush.

Everyday's a good day when you paint

Everywhere I go I smell fresh paint.

Don't paint the apple; paint the red.

I paint flowers so they will not die.

Every good painter paints what he is.

I paint what I think, not what I see.

I do Taekwondo and sometimes I paint.

I sing my sorrow, and I paint my joy.

Paint what you see, not what you know.

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