Supply creates its own demand.

Nothing can be more idle than the opposition of theory to practice!

Alas, how many have been persecuted for the wrong of having been right?

At Newfoundland, it is said, that dried cod performs the office of money

The difficulty lies, not in finding a producer, but in finding a consumer.

Still how unenlightened and ignorant are the very nations we term civilized!

The sea and wind can at the same time convey my neighbour's vessel and my own.

What can we expect from nations still less advanced in civilization than the Greeks?

Capital in the hands of a national government forms a part of the gross national capital.

When war becomes a trade, it benefits, like all other trades, from the division of labour.

The quantity of money, which is readily parted with to obtain a thing is called its price.

The theory of interest was wrapped in utter obscurity, until Hume and Smith dispelled the vapor.

It is the aim of good government to stimulate production, of bad government to encourage consumption.

Taxation being a burthen, must needs weigh lightest on each individual, when it bears upon all alike.

But, is it possible for princes and ministers to be enlightened, when private individuals are not so?

I have made no distinction between the circulation of goods and of money, because there really is none.

The best scheme of finance is, to spend as little as possible; and the best tax is always the lightest.

A tax can never be favorable to the public welfare, except by the good use that is made of its proceeds.

One product is always ultimately bought with another, even when paid for in the first instance with money.

I'il n'est pas en notre pouvoir de changer la nature des choses. Il faut les йtudier telles qu'elles sont.

capital cannot be more beneficially employed, then in strengthening and aiding the productive powers of nature.

Valuation is vague and arbitrary, when there is no assurance that it will be generally acquiesced in by others.

Political economy has only become a science since it has been confined to the results of inductive investigation.

Law has been unjustly charged with the whole blame of the calamities resulting from the scheme that bears his name.

The love of domination never attains more than a factitious elevation, that is sure to make enemies of all its neighbours.

The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield.

Capital must work, as it were, in concert with industry; and this concurrence is what I call the productive agency of capital.

Opulent, civilized, and industrious nations, are greater consumers than poor ones, because they are infinitely greater producers.

To have never done anything but make the eighteenth part of a pin, is a sorry account for a human being to give of his existence.

The wants of mankind are supplied and satisfied out of the gross values produced and created, and not out of the net values only.

The United States will have the honour of proving experimentally, that true policy goes hand in hand with moderation and humanity.

What is the motive which operates in every man's breast to counteract the impulse towards the gratification of his wants and appetites?

When a tree, a natural product, is felled, is society put into possession of no greater produce than that of the mere labour of the woodman?

If the community wish to have the benefit of more knowledge and intelligence in the labouring classes, it must dispense it at the public charge.

The luxury of ostentation affords a much less substantial and solid gratification, than the luxury of comfort, if I may be allowed the expression.

With respect to the present time, there are few persons who unite the qualifications of good observers with a situation favourable for accurate observation.

Nothing is more dangerous in practice, than an obstinate, unbending adherence to a system, particularly in its application to the wants and errors of mankind.

What would people think of a tradesman, that was to give a ball in his shop, hire performers, and hand refreshments about, with a view to benefit his business?

A nation or an individual, will do wisely to direct consumption chiefly to those articles, that are longest time in wearing out, and the most frequently in use.

The celebrated Adam Smith was the first to point out the immense increase of production, and the superior perfection of products referable to this division of labour.

Whence it is evident that the remedy must be adapted to the particular cause of the mischief; consequently, the cause must be ascertained, before the remedy is devised.

The wealthy are generally impressed with an idea, that they shall never stand in need of public charitable relief; but a little less confidence would become them better.

The ancients, by their system of colonization, made themselves friends all over the known world; the moderns have sought to make subjects, and therefore have made enemies.

An uniformity of weights and measures, arranged upon mathematical principles, would be a benefit to the whole commercial world, if it were wise enough to adopt such an expedient.

All travellers agree that protestant are both richer and more populous than catholic countries;and the reason is, because the habits of the former are more conducive to production.

The manner in which things exist and take place, constitutes what is called the nature of things; and a careful observation of the nature of things is the sole foundation of all truth.

A treasure does not always contribute to the political security of its possessors. It rather invites attack, and very seldom is faithfully applied to the purpose for which it was destined.

It is doubtless very desirable, that private persons should have a correct knowledge of their personal interests; but it must be infinitely more so, that governments should possess that knowledge.

No human being has the faculty of originally creating matter, which is more than nature itself can do. But any one may avail himself of the agents offered him by nature, to invest matter with utility.

The property a man has in his own industry, is violated, whenever he is forbidden the free exercise of his faculties or talents, except insomuch as they would interfere with the rights of third parties.

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