I have pet snakes.

I have flawless skin.

I got a lifetime trust with millions in it.

I am not employed and my only income is Social Security.

You know, I think plastic surgery is the way you keep your skin.

When we are young there's a certain freshness we lose with the years.

I am very good at decoration. I am maybe extremely good at decoration.

I often turn to friends and family in order to pay my ongoing expenses.

I may one day be the oldest person in the world to have cosmetic surgery.

When I got divorced I was so happy. I love to be spontaneous, I was enjoying my freedom.

Africa is a paradise. You meet people who look at life differently. They love the adventure.

I love my children dearly, they are my blood. I want nothing more to have them back in my life.

One Catwoman in the world! It's amazing because you have to have a sense of humour, it's a must.

All the riches in the world do not come close to the happiness of having children and being a mother.

If I show you pictures of my grandmother, what you see is these eyes - cat eyes - and high cheekbones.

How can I pay for dental care, doctors, the expenses of my homes or traveling. I have nothing to pay with.

When you reach 50 you like to have a certain freedom because it's really the time you can show you achieved something.

I did a lot of camping in Africa, because what does it mean to go to Africa if you don't camp along the river and see the animals come to drink at the water?

In the beginning, it's why I stopped correcting my appearance - because the articles were mean and would repeat the image that my ex-husband tried to paint of me.

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