Having a blank slate is sometimes as daunting as it is exciting.

Everyone loves characters that are relatable or who have unique quirks or tragic flaws.

I'm sure that no matter what I'm involved in, I'll always be doing comics, at least in some minor capacity.

Usually when you're doing concepts for a character, you just try a couple different things to see what sticks.

Lots of places to hone your skill as an artist and still earn a paycheck while you're waiting to kick the door down.

There's a creative freedom to comics, and a fulfillment I get out of panel layouts and storytelling that is hard for me to get anywhere else.

On a book like 'X-Men,' you have to stay true to the established fiction, working with editors to ensure continuity, sometimes across multiple titles.

When I drew Captain America in 'The Ultimates,' I hated my Cap, even though some people are like, 'Man, your Cap's cool!' and they made statues out of it.

It always makes me sad when someone comments on how much they love my work- from 15 years ago! I don't want to be just another old school guy that fell off.

After being in a studio, working on games stuff, I'm like, 'Oh my God, I wish I could just sit in my room for a week and listen to music and draw by myself.'

I like coming up with new characters. Whether it's revamping an old character no one likes or just coming up with brand-new stuff, that's kind of what excited me as an artist.

I don't like working on stuff unless it's going to make an impact. I want people to talk about this and remember it. If I finally get my crack at Spider-Man and then blow it, ugh. I will happily walk in front of a bus to sell more copies after I finish.

Look at related industries. Concept art for games and film. Animation. Lots of places to hone your skill as an artist and still earn a paycheck while you're waiting to kick the door down. If you're stubborn though, and you absolutely must draw comics because it's your life's dream (and I don't blame you...) you just better make sure you've got something special.

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