You have to be what you are. Whatever you are, you gotta be it.

Being rich means you get to worry about everything except money.

Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood, and you're the one I need

I could wrap myself in the warm cocoon of a song and go anywhere.

It was kind of a prodding myself to play I Walk The Line straight.

Stop your ears and close your eyes and try to find the face of love.

Canadian Railroad Trilogy is an extremely fine piece of songwriting.

I say I'm not a singer, so that means I can't sing. But - doesn't it?

Prisoners are the greatest audience that an entertainer can perform to.

You know, the man's best friend is his dog... if he's got nothing else.

Could it be the girls and boys are trying to be heard above your noise?

I found out that there weren't too many limitations, if I did it my way.

I'm not bitter. Why should I be bitter? I'm thrilled to death with life.

God Ain't no stained glass window, cause he never keeps his window closed.

We'll all be equal under the grass, and God's got a heaven for country trash.

The gospel of Christ must always be an open door with a welcome sign for all.

Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money.

A person knows when it just seems to feel right to them. Listen to your heart.

Inside the walls of a prison my body may be, but my Lord has set my soul free.

Everything I have and everything I do is now given completely to Jesus Christ.

He went up to heaven, located his dog. Not only that, but he rejoined his arm.

He was removed from jail and placed in a place for the insensitive and insane.

it's good to know who hates you and it is good to be hated by the right people

The ones that you're calling wild are going to be the leaders in a little while.

Now that I know that I've needed you so, help me, Jesus. My soul's in your hand.

When my wife died, I booked myself into the studio just to work, to occupy myself.

Come on boys, you must listen unto me, lay off the whiskey and let that cocaine be.

People ask me who is my favorite country artist. I say, you mean besides George Jones.

San Quentin, may you rot and burn in hell. May your walls fall and may I live to tell.

As sure as God made black and white, what's done in the dark will be brought to the light.

All your life, you will be faced with a choice. You can choose love or hate…I choose love.

Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.

It's good to believe in yourself, but there are people out there who can make or break you.

The battle against the dark one and the clinging to the right one is what my life is about.

Beneath the stains of time the feeling disappears, you are someone else I am still right here.

I've got no deep voice today. I've got a cold. But when I was young, I had a high tenor voice.

I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down, Livin’ in the hopeless, hungry side of town.

God's the final judge for Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash too. That's solely in the hands of God.

If you aren't gonna say exactly how and what you feel, you might as well not say anything at all.

Sam Phillips responded most to a song of mine called, "Hey Porter," which was on the first record.

Burn my Flag and I will shoot you........but I'll shoot you with a lot of love, like a good American

I'm very shy really. I spend a lot of time in my room alone reading or writing or watching television.

I worked there [on Pontiac] three weeks, got really sick of it, went back home and joined the Air Force.

However, neither he nor anyone else could have become the star Elvis was. Ain't nobody like Elvis. Never was.

I would take songs that I'd loved as a child and redo them in my mind for the new voice I had, the low voice.

I read novels but I also read the Bible. And study it, you know? And the more I learn, the more excited I get.

I love to go to the studio and stay there 10 or 12 hours a day. I love it. What is it? I don't know. It's life.

I used to sing Bill Monroe songs. And I'd sing Dennis Day songs like songs that he sang on the Jack Benny show.

When I was 17 - 16, my father and I cut wood all day long and I was swinging that crosscut saw and hauling wood.

A song stylist is, like, to take an old folk song like "Delia's Gone" and do a modern white man's version of it.

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