They call me the trippy king.

Justin Bieber is super talented.

We all can't shine at the same time.

You never know what's gonna be a hit.

I used to love listening to Jazzy Jeff.

People want to rap about having a good time.

Everything is going so great. I can't complain.

I really wasn't planning on being a solo artist.

I rap about Memphis and what a dangerous spot that is.

I'm just raising money. Dead presidents are my relatives.

I got a chance to meet Terrence Howard and hang out with him.

For Black Music Month, I would definitely want to celebrate Isaac Hayes.

You gotta live life. You gotta enjoy life. I mean, I don't live on the edge.

I listen to all kinds of music. I love underground, new music that's popping.

I've got a lot of songs about having fun and partying, but it's a lot of work.

Got a house on the hill, cost a couple of mill, Juicy J got bank like Uncle Phil.

When I don't have to do out on tour I go to church. Church is a good place to be.

Sometimes with artists, I want to hear a few things before I buy the whole album.

I got a lot of film companies approaching me to write some songs for their films.

It's not my business to raise anybody else's kids. Mom and Dad got to do all that.

I've never seen Madonna. I just grew up listening to her music - I want to see her.

I just love making music. I always stay in the studio. Making music is my main focus.

I want to be the president of Columbia Records, maybe C.E.O. - kind of like L.A. Reid.

Chris Brown is a star. He's a genius. Anybody should want to work with him. He makes hits.

I just make the music, and people have the say. When I'm making songs, I never call them hits.

There's a lot of money in doing score music. You can get a chance to get nominated for an Oscar.

I work on holidays. I work on birthdays. I work on New Year's. I work. I keep my ears to the streets.

I don't have a hand in a lot of my own beats. I like all types of music and all types of beats though.

I don't advise kids to do what I do. I'm just doing me. I just smoke a little weed and do a little drink.

The only biography I read was about Al Bell, of Stax Records. I wanted to follow in the footsteps of Al Bell.

If you're broke, you don't want to rap about being broke; you gonna rap about hustling and getting that bread.

It's hard for a person to try to keep his stuff together being nominated for something and then performing onstage.

I love performing, signing autographs, taking 'selfies' with the fans. This is just what I feel like I was born to do.

I keep my ear to the streets - that's how I know music. I live, breathe, eat, and sleep music. That's it. Nothing else.

If you look back, you get stuck in a year. I've seen rappers and singers get stuck in 2002 or 2005, and they can't get out.

I'm never uncomfortable with anything I do. I never feel like I regret anything. I love music, you know? All kinds of music.

I fell in love with music at 13-years-old. I wanted to be a singer at first and a drummer. Then I fell in love with rap music.

My life has changed for the better. It's just amazing. I have to catch myself sometimes. It's like a dream. It's a great thing.

I'm still doing me. I try to come up with different concept for my shows, you gotta keep the people interested, but I'm still me.

Sometimes it’s gin or sometimes it’s some champagne, and sometimes I go on stage with nothing at all. I’m turnt up, naturally.

I'm not old school, like, "Aw, man, I gotta do my music like I did in '98." I just go with the flow. I don't try to change anything.

There's a lot of money in doing score music. You can get a chance to get nominated for an Oscar; I would love to get nominated again.

I'm a producer/rapper so I feel like I can do anything. I can do all kinds of music. I've done all kinds of music and I'm good at it.

I'm starting the Juicy J Scholarship Foundation. I'm going to start doing a lot of different things trying to help out and give back.

I love making music. I never stop. I want to keep it moving forward. I like to go into the studio and make hits. It makes me feel good.

When I'm making songs, I never call them hits. I knew 'Bandz A Make Her Dance' was a good record, but I never knew it was gonna be a hit.

I don't live in the past or focus on making new songs sound like my old stuff; it would be stupid, and I don't think anyone would like it.

When I come around people, I'm up to date on everything. I know all the new music that's coming out, all the stuff that ain't came out yet.

I'm a producer first, and I know music, so I can jump on any song, whether it's pop or urban, without changing me. Whatever I do, I'm gonna make it classic.

My name got kind of hot as a D.J. around town; on the north side of town, they had 'D.J. Juicy J.' That's what I called myself: 'The Notorious D.J. Juicy J.'

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