Tolerance exists.

I stan my friends!

I don't like to believe in canon.

Spotify stresses me the hell out.

I think there's seasons of life. It oscillates.

My harmonies on 'Me & My Dog' are a little extra.

I like Telecasters because they are so versatile.

Everyone I know has a predilection for sharing words.

We think empathy is innate, but it's not. It's a muscle you're working.

Often, small things give me hope when big things feel so oppressively bleak.

I make sure I'm appreciative and can an encounter the world in a humble way.

Passivity is a tacit endorsement of evil we are too afraid to oppose actively.

My dad took me to the skate park every single weekend to see alternative bands.

Many of my songs just come together in quatrains because that's how a hymn goes.

With my own music, I'm much more reluctant to say, you know, 'This record slaps!'

Cameron Esposito is a musician and podcaster from the States and she's hilarious.

Some songs just fall out of you. And some you have to wrestle out like an abscess.

Connecting with people who are able to maintain a sense of humility is really useful.

When I first started playing guitar, I would sit in my room for hours and learn scales.

All of my favorite hymns are admissions of faults, and finding redemption even in those.

Me at parties: 'Like, do you want to know the historical context of the prophet Jeremiah?'

I like it when I go to a city and it puts its personality out there to be readily experienced.

Sometimes, what's helpful is to admit that we are discouraged and admit that we are at a loss.

I think what kids who like heavy music are really looking for is the honesty and candour of it.

I had a hot-pink mohawk in high school, and when I came out everyone was like, 'We don't care.'

I do not want to make art and then try to dictate how people use it, or how people interact with it.

The thing about music is that it gives voice and names to anguish and also addresses how to comfort it.

Those parts of myself that are too ugly or dangerous are precisely the things I feel convicted to share.

I love Hank Williams, he's the original emo kid. Some of his lyrics remind me of, like, Promise Ring lyrics.

Sometimes, it feels artificial to try to come up with a solution to something that none of us know how to solve.

If I have the choice of saying one of two things to people, I'd like it to be the more honest and hopeful thing.

If I can say so without sounding presumptuous, I want to model women being collaborative instead of competitive.

I feel really privileged to have gracious and merciless people with a lot of perspective and patience in my life.

There's no musician who just wakes up one day and decides, 'This is what I want to do.' It takes some development.

There are still men in the professional or behind the scenes world that are controlling women to build credibility.

The midterms are a chance for people to vote out those they believe are failing to address the concerns of citizens.

It used to be you would need a couple grand to make a record at a studio. Now, you can do it on freaking GarageBand.

I hope we can dismantle the idea that the entire south is sitting on our porches spitting tobacco and hating gay people.

I don't think that you can just walk through life without all of your experiences informing your perspective on the world.

It's just nice to have people around and see people actively trying to construct a community of mutual support around music.

Ultimately, I feel like there is just a pervasive evidence of God. Though I know that is maybe a controversial thing to say.

There is something familial about punk. There is something positive. Even though some punk is destructive, nihilistic, explosive.

When you have an addictive personality, you fixate upon things easily. Routines and behaviors, and ritual, becomes very important.

The goal of embodying Christian ethics - if you want to call yourself a Christian - is being patient and loving with your neighbor.

Everybody wants to have an empirical analysis of a relationship ending, but sometimes there's not that much clarity, and that's OK.

There are so many people in Memphis who have real reasons to be angsty, but I was just a suburban white kid with all this misplaced rage.

My music is not always about getting my ideas heard, it's about letting other people feel empowered to have their ideas heard by example.

There are a bunch of talented bands out there... So yeah, I often think, 'Why aren't these people onstage and why do I have a microphone?'

I adopted this idea whether I was going to end up making music for three people in a bar or Wembley Stadium, I was always going to do music.

I think people learn best and are more engaged when it's just normal relatable situations that illustrate the principles they're discussing.

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