You know, an iPhone is fashion everything is fashion.

I prioritise my time so what needs to be done, gets done.

Body-con dresses have never been something I've been into.

If you want people to like you you have to buy them things.

Always half an hour a day where it's just me and my yoga mat.

It's time to get your head out of the dumps and your legs in the air!

In this [fashion] business you're living in the future a lot of the time.

Always take one last look in a full-length mirror before leaving the house.

The first design I created was a circular skirt for my Barbie when I was 7.

I always like the current one [collection] the most, that's just my nature!

The ideas can come from anywhere; the energy just comes from loving what I do.

I always think that fashion isn't just about clothes; it can be applied to anything.

Virtually the second I get home, I change into my "home" clothes - yoga pants and a T-shirt.

Floating in a lake, lying in a hammock, playing a bit of Scrabble...that's what I'm in need of.

OK, Rule number 1: Unless you're served in a frosted glass, never come within 4 feet of my lips.

There are a lot of things about my career now that are as I imagined, hoped for and worked towards.

I'm just in the business of creating; creating new work inspires you to create new work. It's kind of funny.

The first item I designed for a real person was when I was about 10 and I made my first item of clothing for myself.

I have my name down for the Apple Watch and yoga. I know it's a cliché but I need that antidote, it helps with everything.

We are so excited for what's next. I think that's what I love most about it, the energy and the excitement that comes from that.

I only feel the pressure when we are coming up against a deadline and it's like, actually no we really have to nail this in a week!

You never really know if it's going to happen or not do you but the vision was always for [Karen Walker] to be a global niche luxury product.

I don't know if I'm all that famous. When I first started my idea of what a career in fashion would look like is very different to the reality now.

God didn't give me the ability to play the piano, or paint a picture or have compassion. But... he did give me the ability to crack a walnut with my hoo-ha.

What I like about eyewear is that it can work with a lot of different looks. You can wear it with a Balenciaga dress, or something that is straight and very quirky.

Well there are a lot of things I like to eat but at this time of year I'm finding I'm making fig and chèvre salad at least once a week and that's a combo that's hard to beat.

The overall concept comes first and then that informs the product, the shoot and how we communicate it. Everything comes back to the concept. It all gets thought about at the same time.

I'm a gastronome first and foremost. I have several bookshelves in my home full of cookbooks, foodie magazines and food writer books and I am always on the hunt for a great recipe or local foodie haunt to try.

Fashion is about having a point of view, a taste and a personality. For us we always felt we could apply our DNA really to anything but you have to do it if it's true to you, feels authentic. It has to be real.

We spotted Beyoncé, January Jones, Rihanna and Carey Mulligan wearing the label [Karen Walker]. I was ecstatic, but I'm just as thrilled to see interesting girls wearing our product everywhere. It's quite a buzz.

Grace! It's Christmas for goodness sake! Think about the baby Jesus. Up in that tower letting his hair down, so that the three wise men could climb up and spin the dreidel and see if there's six more weeks of winter!

We grew up with social media. There was no iPhone when we started! I love technology; I love what it does to my life. What I really love about social media and the Internet is that it has shifted the power it has democratised everything.

I always think of it you know building a business, building a brand, a friend of mine gave me a metaphor for it which I think is really true it's like building coral, you don't see it happening it's just little little little and when you step back you think wow.

The main thing [of social media] is it allows us to speak directly with our fans and customers, getting that immediate feedback, that conversation; that's what I love. It means that no matter what we are saying, if it's big or small we have a way of saying it. People connect with that.

Even when I'm writing in character I'm normally still writing about things I know or things that have happened to me or using that character to start an exploration of my own consciousness. Really though, any character that you can examine is just an examination of a part of your own consciousness.

I loved the idea that people dressed up to go to the gardens. Our work always has a utility point of view at its heartbeat and then other things come around it, so it really allowed us to use denims and suedes and gauzes, and those sorts of hard-working fabrics - workwear fabrics - and then contrast them with crepe de chine, beautiful florals and big jewelry.

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