Michelle Visage rocks.

I love Remembrance Sunday.

Most mums are not reliable.

I am a big believer in fun for free.

It takes an awful lot to get me cross.

Sunshine is supposed to make you happy.

Being nice can make you feel very happy.

Investing in children's education is vital.

Brits have a peculiar sense of humour. I love it.

If anyone is on my husband's arm, it's going to be me.

I celebrate those who wear their red poppies with pride.

I have strong opinions, and I am not afraid to share them.

Most wives look at me the way lame deer look at a hungry lion.

The opinion that Trump equals hate is not a fact. It is a view.

Those who are most pious and noble tend to be the least tolerant.

If you sign up for TV, expect the edit to make things interesting.

Should people working in our country speak English? Yes, they should.

I spend a fair amount of time chatting to black cab drivers in London.

The BBC has a strict policy of having Clare Balding present everything.

There are times this stony heart of mine feels a burst of British pride.

Scarcity is a good sales tactic if you are selling something people want.

I've said in the past that if I were Prime Minister, I would ban obesity.

My mother says ladies perspire and men sweat. Clearly, I am more of a man.

Mammary militia breast feeding en masse in Costa. Puts one off their latte.

The Conservatives don't need more women. They need women like Karren Brady.

Living in the 'Big Brother' house is a bit like living in hell. Only hotter.

Sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket.

I think overweight people are lazy and that they are bankrupting the country.

'Big Brother' reminded me that housemates should be aware of health and safety.

As parenting goes, knowing the whereabouts of one's children is pretty fundamental.

I've been no-platformed from every university with a strong Islamic faith community.

Fresh air and exercise. That's all you need to stay slim and feel better about life.

Weird things happen when strange men run for election. See Donald Trump for details.

Typically, housewives and working mums hate each other like dogs fighting for a bone.

Politicians used to be leaders. Now they follow voters, desperate for a tick in a box.

I was a really bad single mum. I used to go to the supermarket just for somewhere to go.

Being a minority voice is still brave - even if the minority voice is from the right wing.

I admire Lady Gaga. She wears exactly what she likes, no matter how good or bad it turns out.

Call me old-fashioned, but armpit hair is not high up there on my wish list of things to have.

We may think we live in a digital age. But there are some things technology will never replace.

Those that preach tolerance have become absolutely prescriptive in what's allowed to be thought.

If you do a good deed, don't expect anything back - the other person can still be a complete git.

I love being on Aussie breakfast TV. They like people who speak their mind and tell it like it is.

There are all sorts of parents I hate - super-keen parents, PTA parents, and fat parents on a bus.

Stay-at-home mums love working mums to feel guilty. They sacrificed everything for their children.

The more crap you have had to deal with in your life, the better you are at handling 'Big Brother.'

The great thing about letting people be true to themselves is they often do very good things indeed.

If you over-deliver and prove yourself to be an asset to the company, you will be rewarded as a result.

While Corbyn would not enjoy the comparison, he and Farage are the same beast - with very different heads.

If I was fat and had a strong regional accent and was a bloke, I'd be a stand-up. Because I think I'm funny.

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