You make yourself broad. You make yourself appealing. 'Hey, y'all, I'm cool with everybody.' That's my message.

Comedy's about opening up and being unique, but to a point where the audience can relate to what you're saying.

Just because your environment or living space changes doesn't mean that your attitude necessarily has to change.

I performed in a bowling alley before while people were still bowling. Cut the check, and I will perform anywhere.

I don't have to change anything. I think that's the secret to comedy. You want to be universal and appeal to everyone.

I feel like whatever you've done in your career, good or bad, it's nothing but preparation for the big events to come.

I don't want enemies. I want friends, and I want them in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and loving whoever they want to.

There's actually a lot of bullshit in my Google search. They killed me in one of them! I died in one of my Google searches.

I would spend absolutely every last minute with my kids, telling them how much I love them and how much I would do for them.

Barbra Streisand has accomplished so much, and Dustin Hoffman as well. They are down to earth and approachable. I admire that.

It's very rare that you get a director that lets you be creative and bring what you feel your character should do or should be.

If you look at me in 'Ride Along,' even though I'm playing two different characters, my demeanor and my tone were not aggressive.

Every poem that I write is, in a sense, trying to find adequate words for this unspeakable word, around which my entire life turns.

When you work hard and you treat people great, regardless of what it is that you're doing, naturally people want to help and do things.

People May Hate You For Being Different and Not Living By Society's Standards,but Deep Down,They Wish They Had The Courage To Do The Same.

Success isn't supposed to happen, no matter how hard you work. There's no guarantee you're going to succeed. There's nothing set in stone.

The thing about impressing your girlfriend is that when you do something like a private island in Fiji, it's all downhill from that point.

Men and women do think differently, and frankly, we don't understand each other. Not at all! But that's what makes relationships so amazing.

At the end of the day, I want to be part of the same conversation as Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor.

I'm a Buffalo wing magnet, a sandwich fanatic, a cheesesteak guy. But I'll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.

There's so much you can achieve with a launching pad like stand-up comedy. You can literally go from acting to hosting to being a personality.

The funny thing is, all my friends are short. I wasn't aware of tall people till I got to high school. I didn't know they existed. I was sheltered.

This younger generation that's around, that's tweeting, Facebooking and Vine-ing, the fans appreciate that because they feel like they can get to you.

I'm a businessman as well as an entertainer. The reason why is because I want to own whatever I'm doing. I don't want to work for other people forever.

I took my daughter to the father-daughter dance and I cried like a little baby. She's 11 years old, so seeing her get dressed up and pretty made me cry.

I'm more of a realist when it comes to life, and I'd much rather my mother be in a spiritual place in Heaven than in a bed, sick, fighting for her life.

I got a chance to work with Stallone and De Niro - pretty much sums it up for me. You can tell where you're going in your career by the company you keep.

No man wants to settle down. It happens. Eventually you're going to bump into somebody that makes you go, 'Hmm, I don't mind seeing this person every day.'

I like playing basketball and going to the gym. I don't box, but I'll ride my bike and go jogging or running in the park. Sometimes my lady and I go hiking.

When you're supposed to be close and friends in the film, the moment you're talking as friends off the set, it makes it that much better when you're filming.

People want to act like they know celebrities. They want to see pictures. They want to know where you're going. They want to hear you talk about your family.

I'm trying to do what Eddie Murphy did for his generation. You have to show people, 'I'm different. I'm not just a comedian.' I'm trying to become a rock star.

The movies and all that stuff are great, but the fact that I'm in a position to do what I want to do, however I want to do it and when I want to do it is bigger.

I got a dog with a Napoleon complex. I have a Napoleon complex. We're small. Anything big that we feel is threatening us, we want to fight. We're not a pushover.

I love being on stage, I love being able to tell a story, I love the fact that the audience listens and laughs at it. It makes me happy, and it's what I live for.

I am capable of holding the quote-unquote 'title' of leading man. Leading man just means people want to see you and assume that you can hold a film, carry a movie.

Stand-up can take you in so many different places, man. So many doors can be opened up from stand-up comedy, and the first one that was opened up for me was acting.

The most important thing for a director is being able to communicate. When you communicate comfortably, regardless of what you're saying, it can always be processed.

I'm never gonna step away from stand-up. I can't. That's what got me where I am, and that's also my muse. That's how I stay level-headed. That's what keeps me going.

Before I look stupid and not know what a word means or how to pronounce it, I'll stop the whole production: 'Hey, real quick, guys. Define this word for me. Somebody.'

The most exciting thing in the world to me is that I'm doing what I love to do, and that I'm successful doing it. Pursuing my dream and executing it is exciting to me.

Before I look stupid and not know what a word means or how to pronounce it, I'll stop the whole production, "Hey, real quick, guys. Define this word for me. Somebody."

If you look at me close enough, there's a small resemblance to a chicken nugget. I don't know if it's my skin texture or my hair, but the resemblance is definitely there.

I am who I am. That's why my friends and peers respect and appreciate me. I don't change or cater my actions to fit my surroundings. I'm myself 24/7. People appreciate that.

The good thing about having chemistry is, when you get to the improv section of a scene, you've got somebody to feed off. It can go on and on and on, and the sky's the limit.

Oh, my mama was awesome. Very strict, overreligious, loved the Lord, loved rules. But she had to be that way because of where we were growing up, the neighborhood I was from.

I understand that being able to appeal to the public and having an amazing sense of humour is not something that comes easy. It's definitely a gift and for which I'm thankful.

You can do the same thing with $20 million that you would do with $50 million. So at a certain point in your life and in your career, you realise that it's not about the money.

What women need to understand is that men don't communicate. It's not intentional or on purpose. We're just not as emotional. You ladies feel like you have to express yourselves.

The kind of poetry I write, lyric poetry, I think is really concerned with intimacy, with mystery. That needn't be religious mystery, there are mysteries to do with everyday life.

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