Naïveté, thy name is me.

I am essentially a loner.

A planned life is a dead life.

Acting is a life of rejection.

We live in an age of mediocrity.

Patience was not my strong point.

I was never my favourite subject.

You can't always be a leading lady.

I am not a has-been. I am a will-be.

I am not a has-been. I am a will be.

Growing up takes longer than you think.

Life is not what you expected it to be.

It was Howard Hawks who changed my life.

Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.

It's not an old movie if you haven't seen it.

Stardom isn't a profession, it's an accident.

The madmen seem to live on forever, don't they?

I'm total, total, total liberal and proud of it.

I wish Frank Sinatra would just shut up and sing.

I was this flat-chested, big-footed, lanky thing.

The industry is s**t, it's the medium that's great.

I'm not a sedentary person. I've always been active.

Isn't hope an incredible, a wonderfully demented thing?

No one has ever written a romance better than we lived it.

I don't have an entourage. In fact, I have no live-in help.

Stupidity is not my favourite thing; I cannot deal with it.

You can't acquire a voice. Either you have it, or you don't.

What is the point of working all your life and then stopping?

All actors are terrified - they just learn how to control it.

Looking at yourself in a mirror isn't exactly a study of life.

His (Frank Sinatra) attention span was not long, shall we say.

I've still not gotten my choice of the best roles in the world.

I finally felt that I came into my own when I went on the stage.

The reason you get married is to be together, not to be separated.

You don't always win your battles, but it's good to know you fought.

God if the press ever quoted anyone correctly it would be brilliant.

Each time a friend dies, the present becomes the past, in an instant.

God - if the press ever quoted anyone correctly, it would be brilliant.

Legends are all to do with the past and nothing to do with the present.

My definition of a star is someone who really lasts for a very long time.

One thing I am convinced of is that the more you do, the more you can do.

People should tell your children what life is all about - it's about work.

I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that.

A famous love story is hard to maintain when you both live in the spotlight.

Actors today go into TV, which I don't consider has a lot to do with acting.

I used to dream of being other places, other people. It was an escape for me.

Find me a man who's interesting enough to have dinner with and I'll be happy.

I am not a wealthy woman. I wish to hell I was, but I never had a wealthy man.

I like to work with really good professional people - anyone with real talent.

For my peculiar face, I look best when I look as though I'm not wearing make-up.

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