Chat to the ghosts! That's what I do!

I have a rude thought every three seconds!

I'm not good with words, and I get mixed up.

I miss the outspoken pop stars like Lily Allen.

Everyone at 'EastEnders' has been so welcoming.

To be honest everything goes over my head a bit.

I wish that I'd written John Lennon's 'Imagine.'

Sexuality doesn't need to be defended or justified.

Some of the things I've said, I don't even agree with.

I haven't been unfaithful, well only when I was younger!

If I fancy a girl, I'll tell her. I'll say: 'You're fit.

I still have imaginary friends who I talk to in my head.

I try not to sleep with every girl I see, but it's hard!

If I fancy a girl, I'll tell her. I'll say: 'You're fit.'

I don't think the end of the world is the end of the world.

I got caught kissing my dad's ex-girlfriend - at his wedding!

I'm very romantic and very soppy, but sometimes I wish I wasn't!

People think I'm crazy, but I'm not bothered what anyone thinks.

I'd send Christina Aguilera to Mars cos she'd scare all the aliens!

I've been kicked out of a few parties, but it's fun when you get kicked out.

We know there's no use in getting miserable, so we go out on the town instead!

I try to be kind to people, to treat them with respect. And I'm proud of that.

I'm eccentric, what else? I don't know, I've got two people telling me what to say.

I always look at everyone when we're on the street and think, 'We're like sheep or ants.'

If you go on the Internet and type in 'Lee Ryan one liners,' I think I'm on par with Gandhi.

I was in the top 10 rock n' roll artists - up there with Sid Vicious. I always had that edge.

I haven't shaved my private parts, but I dyed them once for a laugh! They looked more ginger, though!

I reckon, if I was a girl, I'd fancy Johnny Depp - he's pretty cool. I wish I looked like Johnny Depp.

When you go to clubs in London there are loads of good-looking blokes, and I feel like a bit of a minger

I think about dying a lot, every time I fall asleep on a train or a plane I expect to wake up to a crash!

I did a lot of stage plays and musicals, and my first proper acting job was on 'Holby City' when I was 15.

I'm an expert at kissing girls necks, they love it. Girls say I'm quite sensitive, but I'm hyperactive too.

The claims that I am gay don't faze me. I don't care if people think I'm gay; why would I care? I would be proud.

This New York thing is being blown out of proportion. Who gives a **** about New York when elephants are being killed?

Before singing, I was acting. I was always more into acting than singing. It was the first thing I always wanted to do.

When I was 6, I saw a commercial that Jessica Simpson was in and that was the first time I felt my little heart flutter.

If I was a super hero, I'd want to be the man of peace so that I could click my fingers and the world would be at peace.

When I was 6, I saw a commercial that Jessica Simpson was in, and that was the first time I felt my little heart flutter.

I was brought up with psychics and tarot cards. My mum was always told I was going to be in a boy band and be famous as a singer.

I have to have aftershave in my car. I actually have Gucci aftershave in the glove box that is just for the car, to make it smell nice.

I'll do what I've got to do in my own career and my own life. For my own happiness. I'm not gonna be bent over a barrel and told what to do.

If I said what I was really thinking about this f**ked up world, the government would assassinate me like all the other people they've killed.

I've got a funny way of looking at things. It's because I'm dyslexic, and I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger. And I'm left-handed as well.

My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!

I've learnt a lot over the years, but I'm still quite outspoken. And no matter how much media training you put me through, I don't think I could be anything but.

I believe I'm from somewhere else, and I was put on this plain for a purpose. I've met other star children, too. We're like spirits who move from world to world.

I was really happy with it, if I'm honest. I've been kicked out of a few parties, but it's fun when you get kicked out. Being told to leave is great. 'Get out you're too pissed', 'Wicked'.

There is something really mysterious about lions. They could rip you apart if they wanted to, but at the same time they look so cuddly. Can you imagine what humans look like to animals? They must think we're so weird.

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