Being nervous is a waste of time.

I love singing, it lifts my spirit.

If you're a model, you're paid to be a muse.

Modelling has really helped build my confidence.

To feel at ease, I wear trousers and a cashmere sweater.

I dress myself, not to impress, but for comfort and for style.

I wear everything to jeans and a t-shirt to Zac Posen ball gowns.

My style reflects my mood, the place I'm in, and the place I'm going to.

I love hats! I collect vintage ones - I find them at antique shops in Kansas.

I've always liked playing with makeup. It's fun. I love going places and getting dressed up.

I'm really glad that I kept the gap. There are a lot of iconic women from past and present who have one.

My lips are a lot thinner than what makeup artists usually create, because they make them almost graphic.

I don't believe in putting petroleum or preservatives on my skin. Over time, you kind of just want to go back to basics.

You can't just come from Kansas, go into fashion and be all naive. The fashion world is very different to where I'm from.

If I didn't ever model? I would be back in Kansas. I would probably end up being a pastry chef. My grandma taught me how to make a pie.

When I was younger, most people thought my lips looked like Tweety Bird's - there were always comments like that from family and neighbors.

I measure the amount of shows I should do by my hair. If my hair isn't good for campaigns and editorials, then obviously I am not going to look good.

I try to be extra creative with the colors and textures I wear during fashion week. It's not for street style, though; I just like dressing sometimes.

Overall, I'm a mix of a lot of different quirks, from my dimples to my eyebrows to my lips, which I've always felt were just one of my signature features.

I really like Amelia Earhart. She's from Kansas. She disappeared, so I have to take her place. I want to be Dorothy. I want to be Amelia Earhart... I want to do it all.

I actually use baking soda to exfoliate my lips - I mix a little bit with water and use my fingers to lightly scrub with it. Then I use jojoba oil and olive oil to keep them moisturized.

Real success is not, like, materialistic. It's being where you want to be when you want to be; just living your life how you feel; having an ultimate goal and being able to accomplish it.

Real success is not, like, materialistic. It’s being where you want to be when you want to be; just living your life how you feel; having an ultimate goal and being able to accomplish it.

I was actually always really self-conscious about my gap. In middle school, this group of girls were always trying to beat me up - they called my gap a parking lot. It was a really awkward time.

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