Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what ...

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

I give opinions, not advice.

See, winners embrace hard work.

No, but you can see it from here.

No one has ever drowned in sweat.

I just have an enthusiasm for life.

To my wife 'I told you I was sick'.

Attitude determines how well you do it.

A player has no use for an agent. None.

Underconfidence breeds underachievement.

Ya know, Hitler was a great leader, too.

One thing about me is I try to be honest.

ESPN is a great organization to work for.

Football coaches don't have real problems.

In life, be a participant, not a spectator.

Only the unprepared are overcome by pressure

You build a successful life a day at a time.

God looks after children, animals and idiots.

I believe in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

You live up - or down - to your expectations.

Never settle for second when first is available

I'm so old, I don't buy green bananas any more.

Don't be a spectator, don't let life pass you by

If you try to fight the course, it will beat you.

I truly believe the things Notre Dame stands for.

Don't be a spectator, don't let life pass you by.

First we become the best, then we'll become first.

Everything ends badly, otherwise it would not end.

When all is said and done, more is said than done.

My wife doesn't even want to spend 2 hours with me.

I bet you went on one date and wanted to get married.

I don't drink water, haven't drank water in 40 years.

You will never be indecisive if you know your purpose.

Momentum is whatever your attitude determines it to be.

If you are killing time, it's not murder. It's suicide.

It was a great game if you don't care who won. I cared.

Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.

The best way to save face is not to use the lower half.

I don't think we can win every game. Just the next one.

I don't play well enough to be allowed to throw my clubs.

Give me a blackboard. I can stop anything on a blackboard.

Don't tell me how rocky the sea is, just bring the ship in.

Actually, all I ever wanted to be was the best in my field.

It's good to be successful but it's great to be significant

Build your empire on the firm foundation of the fundamentals.

I can't believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary.

I'll assure you this: I will have nothing to do with politics.

God answers prayers, but he doesn't always answer it your way.

I've never seen the yellow light, umm the yellow line be wrong.

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