Protecting yourself from failure is probably not a good way to live.

Natural law is only whatever happens in your lifetime within fifty miles of you.

There's never one "ding-dong" moment.You never know for sure if you're doing the right thing. Things don't end all at once.

That's the wonderful thing about writing, you can take things you haven't done properly in your own life and make it better in fiction.

Whenever you do die people remember you, so it's not completely over. You don't 100 percent die when you die ever, because people still know who you were.

I feel like everyone is living an unfulfilled life. When you reach that point of fulfillment, you want something more. But when you realize your life is unfulfilled you can either decide to be depressed or you can do something about it.

I think there are some people who don't have dreams so much - they have a job and money they earn. That sounds sort of condescending, but I think having a dream just makes you more happy and hopeful and gives you a reason to have the next day.

You don't just change your whole life in one big step. It's the small things you do every day that pull over to the big things, like taking yourself out for coffee and eating a really good dessert when you're depressed could be the start to living a fulfilled life.

The scene that scares you the most, that you don't want to write because it's the most difficult to write-that's the one you have to write. So I think when people have writer's block, it's because what they have to write scares them. And that's usually the heart of the book.

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