I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to ...

I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to die at 110, shot by a jealous husband.

Honorary degrees and lifetime achievement awards are very ...

Honorary degrees and lifetime achievement awards are very encouraging. I know that it might sound strange that a writer who has published many books still needs encouragement, but this is true.

Karate-Do is a lifetime study

Few learn golf in a lifetime.

My lifetime listens to yours.

Pain of love lasts a lifetime.

I see music as a lifetime affair.

I'm a lifetime member of the NRA.

One lifetime is not enough to live

Youth comes but once in a lifetime.

Every note is a lifetime for itself.

I aim for a lifetime full of movies.

37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime.

I have too many ideas for a lifetime.

You can live a lifetime in two years.

Refuse to be scared in this lifetime.

I'm a lifetime Green Bay Packers fan.

I'm a lifetime St. Louis Cardinals fan.

Three months is a lifetime in politics.

It takes a lifetime to build tradition.

Spread your hate. It'll last a lifetime.

I have a good relationship with Lifetime.

True love is the ripe fruit of a lifetime.

Phenomenons only happen once in a lifetime.

I got a lifetime trust with millions in it.

Zaandam has enough to paint for a lifetime.

Opera is for a lifetime, not just a minute.

Kids who don't have moms suffer a lifetime.

I've lived three lifetimes in my short time.

Once is more than generous for any lifetime.

A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.

I paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime.

I think saving the NHS is a lifetime's work.

Treat your customers like lifetime partners.

This experience has been once in a lifetime.

Racism is the greatest cancer of my lifetime.

A huge change has taken place in my lifetime.

Everything is a once in a lifetime experience.

Opportunity sometimes comes once in a lifetime.

In a course of a lifetime, what does it matter?

I'll need my whole lifetime to polish my craft.

Never set goals you can reach in your lifetime.

A Love like this happens but once in a lifetime

You get what anybody gets - you get a lifetime.

We are so many different people in one lifetime.

We may not know the whole story in our lifetime.

Luck can't last a lifetime unless you die young.

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.

Actually we've got countless lifetimes, so relax.

One year of love is better than a lifetime alone.

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