I love coffee.

I love my coffee.

I'm a coffee lover.

I like diner coffee.

I don't drink coffee.

Coffee is for CLOSERS!

I'm obsessed by coffee.

Coffee is my water now.

I like my coffee light.

I drink a lot of coffee.

I drink too much coffee.

I'm not a coffee person.

I never got into coffee.

I'm obsessed with coffee.

Coffee makes me go crazy.

I'm a huge coffee drinker.

I don't even drink coffee.

Coffee just makes me happy.

Don't buy preground coffee.

Coffee gives me bad breath.

Coffee first. Schemes later.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Black as night, sweet as sin.

This guy makes coffee nervous.

Rock & roll is instant coffee.

Coffee is a language in itself.

I don't typically drink coffee.

I use the hook to carry coffee.

Rock and Roll is instant coffee.

Life's too short for bad coffee.

I love it when the coffee's done!

Will this coffee get me an Oscar?

Without coffee something’s missing

I like naps. I don't drink coffee.

Democracy is not an instant coffee.

Give me coffee! I'm going to write!

Cocaine is like really evil coffee.

Coffee goes great with sudden death.

The coffee will be ready in a jitney.

I have to have coffee in the morning.

I need a coffee to go with my coffee.

Everybody likes their coffee different.

I never have been a big coffee drinker.

Coffee in England is just toasted milk.

I never laugh until I've had my coffee.

Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks?

I've given up coffee, made diet changes.

Sleep is just a symptom of caffeine lack

I don't like coffee but I need caffeine.

Too much coffee can lead to belly bloat!

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