Electricity does not centralize, but decentralizes.

The criminal, like the artist, is a social explorer.

The 'content' of any medium is always another medium.

We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.

There is no individualism in Eastern or oral cultures.

The answers are always inside the problem, not outside.

... Their power to see environments as they really are.

Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.

Politics offers yesterday's answers to today's problems.

We impose the form of the old on the content of the new.

We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror.

A light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence.

Schizophrenia may be a necessary consequence of literacy.

Everybody at the speed of light tends to become a nobody.

The media have substituted themselves for the older world.

There is no more great men; there is only great committees.

Technology is that which separates us from our environment.

In large measure, writing is the spatialization of thought.

I don't want them to believe me, I just want them to think.

There ain't no grammatical errors in a non-literate society.

America is the only country ever founded on the printed word.

What goes on inside the school is an interruption of education.

The ignorance of how to use knowledge stockpiles exponentially.

The mark of our time is its revulsion against imposed patterns.

Only a fraction of the history of literacy has been typographic.

Current illusion is that science has abolished all natural laws.

A successful book cannot afford to be more than ten percent new.

The age of automation is going to be the age of "do it yourself".

The name of a man is a numbing blow from which he never recovers.

Darkness is to space what silence is to sound, i.e., the interval.

We are all robots when uncritically involved with our technologies.

We don't know who discovered water, but we know it wasn't the fish.

The artist is a person who is expert in the training of perception.

A typewriter is a means of transcribing thought, not expressing it.

All media are extensions of some human faculty- psychic or physical.

Advertising is an environmental striptease for a world of abundance.

It is possible to deal with the entire environment as a work of art.

Gutenberg made everybody a reader. Xerox makes everybody a publisher.

Mass man is a phenomenon of electric speed, not of physical quantity.

Obsolescence never meant the end of anything, it's just the beginning.

Moral indignation is a technique used to endow the idiot with dignity.

The winner is one who knows when to drop out in order to get in touch.

The more the data banks record about each one of us, the less we exist.

In antiquity and the Middle Ages reading was necessarily reading aloud.

I'm not sure who discovered water, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a fish.

The bible belt is oral territory and therefore despised by the literati.

Our motor car is our supreme form of privacy when we are away from home.

The electric light is pure information. It is a medium without a message

Nothing is inevitable if we are willing to contemplate what is happening.

The new media are not bridges between man and nature - they are nature...

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