I sing about life.

Anger destroys your soul.

Who isn't fascinated by evil?

Sexual healing is good for me.

Music, not sex, got me aroused.

Ain't nothing like the real thing.

Art is a way of possessing destiny.

Great artists suffer for the people.

LIVE for LIFE, but let live everybody

And givin' yourself to me can never be wrong

Give out some love and you'll find peace sublime.

Don't you know how sweet and wonderful life can be?

Mercy, mercy me, things ain't what they used to be.

When I get that feeling, I want some sexual healing.

Negotiating means getting the best of your opponent.

Little Willie John is the soul singer's soul singer.

Negotiation means getting the best of your opponent.

War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate

Don't play with something you should cherish for life.

For me, love carries the seeds of its own destruction.

Politics and hypocrites is turning us all into lunatics.

I am not a star. At least, I don't consider myself a star.

Who are they to judge us, simply because our hair is long?

War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate.

Let's save all the children, save the babies, save the babies.

My father has a great voice. My father used to sing... just sing.

I wish that being famous helped prevent me from being constipated.

Love your mother, she bore you. Love your father, he works for you.

Detroit turned out to be heaven, but it also turned out to be hell.

I want to stop and thank you baby, how sweet it is to be loved by you.

Too busy thinking about my baby and I ain't got time for nothing else.

If you escape from people too often,, you wind up escaping from yourself.

What about this overcrowded land/How much more abuse from man can she stand?

If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.

Natural fact is, I can't pay my taxes. Make me wanna holler and throw up on my hands.

Crime is increasing, trigger happy policing. Panic is spreading, God knows where we're heading.

I'd had it as a member of a group. I sang with the Moonglows for two years, and that was enough.

I feel that people in Europe are different from Americans - I think your soul is a little deeper.

Every chance you get you seem to hurt me more and more, but each hurt makes my love stronger than before.

When I look at the world it fills me with sorrow, little children today are really going to suffer tomorrow.

Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is your soulmate and that takes a lot of looking.

I'm hooked my friend to the boy who makes slaves out of men, and oh believe me, flying high in a friendly sky.

Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you.

Jesus left a long time ago, said he would return. He left us a book to believe in, in it we've got an awful lot to learn.

I am not going to be dictated to by fans, certainly. I am dictated enough to by my record company to last me a million years.

If I do my job well, then God will smile on my offspring and on their offspring. I'm sure my father is seeing a blessing in me.

Most fear stems from sin; to limit one's sins, one must assuredly limit one's fear, thereby bringing more peace to one's spirit.

I've never had any problems with women. Having been one of the world's greatest womanizers they've probably had more problems with me.

I think if I had to choose another profession, I'd like to be a judge because I'm very capable of determining what's right and what's not.

To share is precious, pure and fair. Don't play with something you should cherish for life. Don't you wanna care, ain't it lonely out there?

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