A pie in the face is funny. Comedy gold.

Laughter is an important part of healthy living.

Take care of yourselves, and take care of each other.

Nothing ever turns out the way we expect, good or bad.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of who you are. It's a wonderful thing.

I love animals, and not only do I get to help animals in need, I learn a lot too!

I was going to be the next big voice-over thing, of course, in my mind. I didn't.

My mantra is always, "Take a nap first, Matt! Then think." It's silly, but it works.

I took Japanese in high school. I'm Chinese, though, and I just fell in love with the language and the culture.

I'm here to make people laugh and help them forget their troubles, too! So I just try to bring heart and bring jokes!

When I yell at my TV, it's usually watching... usually it happens during the election. There's when I'm watching CNN and MSNBC.

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen the original 'Steel Magnolias' with Dolly Parton and Sally Field and Julia Roberts.

When you start organizing a person's vitamins in the morning because you love them. "Hey, don't forget to take your vitamin C." That's love.

Anybody can get from point A to point B, but how you get there, that's the fun part. That's the story. That's when you can really let go and let your uniqueness shine!

On-camera stuff just hit. I decided to do it to supplement my voice-over career, but I ended up falling in love with it, and it actually hit a lot harder than my voice-over career.

In my living room - it's probably going to be moved to my office soon because it freaks too many people out - I have a huge seven foot statue of 'Seven of Nine' of 'Star Trek Voyager.'

I get mad when I'm upset, so to prevent myself from doing anything stupid, I force myself to sleep on whatever issue I'm upset about. Almost always, when I've woken up, I feel much better.

I get butterflies just like everyone else. So I meditate for at least ten minutes before I perform. I breathe in and out slowly for ten minutes, and that literally helps me slow my heart rate and relax.

I watch the weirdest things. I watch old episodes of 'Golden Girls' because my mom watches it, so I grew up watching that. Sometimes I watch reruns of 'Futurama,' which is a cartoon and not based in the real world at all.

I hate feeling late. Someone else has the courtesy and respect to show up on time, and when I'm late, it's like telling them, "I don't respect you." Worst feeling in the world. It makes you really reflect on your priorities.

The comedy on '2 Broke Girls' always comes from a place of love - it's never mean. We're a comedy, and we often go right to the edge. It doesn't bother me. I've encountered this all my life. I've been made fun of all my life.

Every now and then, people will recognize me at restaurants or Universal Studios or something. I'll always take a picture with them if they want. I mean, that's what telling stories and acting for a living are for - for the people.

Let go. Let go of all the stress and drama in your life. It's not worth it, and your body is far too important - too precious - to be bothered by a simple psych-out. You will figure it all out eventually, so why make life more complicated?

'iCarly' was one of my first major jobs, actually. I went into that audition and completely failed at it. I completely bombed... I forgot my lines. When I forget my lines, I kind of get angry. They had me do it again; I remembered them, and I booked it.

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