After I got my first laugh on stage, I was hooked.

I loved playing Chandler. I grew up playing that part.

I think we need to educate our doctors about addiction.

I have a well-documented history of trouble with intimacy.

As an actor, being on autopilot is the worst thing possible.

The thing is, if I don't have sobriety, I don't have anything.

I got sober because I was worried I was going to die next year.

It's not foreign for me to be talking about my problems in circles.

I play a guy who is 40. And I am a very good actor, because I'm 41.

When I die, I'd like 'Friends' to be listed behind 'helping people.'

When I die, I'd like' Friends' to be listed behind 'helping people.'

Like, my house has a nice view, because, you know, I was on 'Friends.'

I gravitate towards sort of broken characters who try to be better people.

In high school, my prom date fooled around with another guy - on prom night!

My favorite six words in recovery are: trust God, clean house, and help others.

If there's a silence in a room I'll try to fill it as soon as humanly possible.

I really lived life to its fullest and that got me in trouble from time to time.

I don't need to be reminded that I was on 'Friends.' I remember - some of it, anyway.

I've certainly had a lot of experiences in my life where I was much too self-centered.

I have what I like to call a 'chinneck.' My chin just flows rather easily into my neck.

'Friends' was a magical thing, and no one's going to ever have anything like that again.

I've just found out there are pages on the internet dedicated to whether I'm gay or not.

It's tough to have a movie-star persona when you're on a show as successful as 'Friends.'

There's nothing better than a world where everybody's just trying to make each other laugh.

I would always be the kid that got in trouble in school, that's for sure, for joking around.

If I could walk into the 'Friends' audition again and go or not go, I have to say it's 50-50.

I'm very, very jealous of guys who just go and decide to party and then can work the next day.

I don't have a very 'masculine' taste in music. I get a lot of heat from my friends about that.

I've been accused of not really paying attention to a sentence unless my name comes up in it twice.

I would like you all to give me a round of applause as I have not crashed my car in over 15 months.

So I'm reading a book on my new iPad, but can't the iPad read it for me? Do I have to do everything?

To be a comedian, you have to have some darkness behind it. I certainly draw on my past, and it helps.

To me, writing is remembering something funny that happened, or maybe something I said seven years ago.

I used to spend a lot of time just thinking about myself, thinking that the party started when I showed up.

I learned to fall down early in life - I was like six - because I realized it was a way to make girls laugh.

Chandler's the guy everybody thinks will do well with women, but he thinks too much and says the wrong thing.

I have never really lived with anyone in my adult years. I just read my sports ticker. And 50 Shades of Grey.

Nine times out of 10, women don't want to fix a problem, they just want to be understood. I'll never get that.

I have a huge interest in hockey because I grew up in Canada, where it's kind of the law that you love hockey.

I know Chandler is similar to me. But if you watched my life for a week, there would be many more boring parts.

I am fine with the fact that some of my hair is gray. If it was all gray overnight, that would be a scary thing.

When people try to take [smoking] away from me I say, 'hey, I stopped everything else.' But, I have to battle that one, too.

I'm a sensitive guy. If you are a woman and you're in any kind of emotional duress and you write a song about it, I'll buy you album.

I need a woman to have a quirky sense of humor. There's a bunch of jokes I use, and if she doesn't get them, she's probably not for me.

The key to sitcom success is miserable people. If you see a happy couple, it's just gone, like when Sam and Diane got together on Cheers.

I was like: I'm going to ask her [Julia Roberts] out but I'm going to be very nervous about it. Then she said yes, I got even more nervous.

There was a time when I wasn't working a lot. It ebbs and flows. Mostly I was just living my life and playing 'Fallout 3,' a very fun game.

When I was, like, 15, I realized there could be a career in making people laugh - like, you could get paid to do it. That was insane to me.

I used to believe in a "Ms. Right", but now i know there is like 4 million "Ms. Rights" and it is just a matter of which one you meet first.

I love the idea of 'the one' but I actually believe that there isn't a Miss Right. There are 12,000 Miss Rights out there and it's all timing.

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