I had a very exciting life in Italy, and I was doing lots of variety shows.

If a guy treats me respectfully and the waiter demeaningly, I'm turned off.

There's always a common attraction to universal needs of love and a feeling of worthiness.

My dream was to study psychology in Israel. It's a long journey - it's seven years of study.

You can forgive if the shot is not right, or the lighting is a bit off, but not if the writing is bad.

As actors, we get to hide. You can change your hair and your accent, and it's not you. You have tricks, these masks.

I always liked creativity, whether it was to draw or sew - any creative assignment I was getting from school, or just on my own.

If you chose to be with an abusive man, a powerful, abusive man, it reflects something about who you are and what you want for yourself.

Anna Magnani, Sophia Loren, Meryl Streep - I love actresses that are strong and fragile at the same time. They bring complexity to their roles.

I like a guy who's sarcastic, serious, sensitive - even just silent. But you have to do it at the right times. That's sexy. To me, it reflects intelligence.

Whenever there's a role that scares me, I get panicked and nervous. I know that greatness might come because I'm going to get out of my own element and comfort zone.

I liked to explore different arts. But when I started acting, I knew this was the medium I want to be in for the rest of my life. Stories onscreen affect me the most.

A relationship takes time, and you really have to work hard at it. I'm devoted to my profession, but when I find the right guy, I'll work just as long and hard for him.

Take responsibility and make a relationship the best it can be. We're all afraid of being hurt. Get rid of that fear. Be in the moment and enjoy the relationship - or you'll ruin it.

Italy was a surprise in my life. I went there just to make money and then go back to Israel and study psychology. The arts wasn't something I grew up with or thought I could be part of.

I like complex characters. I've been very, very lucky to portray, in these past three years, characters that are strong and fragile at the same time. It's those characters that I'm looking for. In the last year and half I played three different religions, and that allowed me to educate myself so much.

I left Israel to work as a model, to just make money - I didn't care if I was doing an ad for toilet paper or diapers, I just really wanted to allow myself to go to school, to go to university without waitressing, because when I'm in a school environment I just really like to study and have the best grades and learn as much as I can.

I always liked creativity, whether it was to draw or sew - any creative assignment I was getting from school, or just on my own. I love people and behaviors, and I'm interested and fascinated by why we do what we do. And I wanted to be a therapist, to be honest. Maybe wirking in film combines the two worlds, in a not super-linear way, but it definitely feeds both my two passions.

While playing complex characters you're staying in the same place but you're departing with your mind and soul and educating yourself until you can really understand such huge worlds. Those are the roles that keep loyal to the authenticity of what people are, and not caricatures. It's something that requires me to prepare for three, four months. I love the process of it, rather than, "Okay, I'm ready, I'm set with the wardrobe that somebody else chose for me."

My first film - a challenging role and completely different from the persona that was created in Italy. I was this super energetic, vibrant, happy, volumed hair, fitted dresses, the whole Italian va-va-voom thing. And the role was a girl that was really provoking society with being unnecessarily violent - just trying to see what people's limits are. It's a really dark tunnel to get to being nasty, being full of hate. When people hate there's a big sadness and rage within them, so it was interesting to go that dark with my first experience.

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