Tom Selleck is a big draw.

Women drive network television.

Accepting fear head-on is freeing.

Audiences like making discoveries.

I come from a long line of Democrats.

I love musicals. I'm a big 'Glee' watcher.

Failure is a fundamental factor of success.

People step on my feet, and I say I'm sorry.

I was drawn to performing and to storytelling.

That's what my job is: to create quality programming.

'The Talk' is one of the most diverse shows in daytime.

I have worked in the media/content business my entire life.

I love to watch documentaries on The History Channel and TLC.

Creative drives our business; the business doesn't drive the creative.

'Scorpion' has so much humor and so much heart and a great deal of action.

Rob Doherty has been a real superstar for us on 'The Mentalist' for years.

I was always a big fan of 'Quincy,' and I loved the idea of puzzle solving.

I'm extremely lucky that I've worked for and with amazing people in my life.

It's important to me to reach deep into the community and promote Latino artists.

Sometimes the career you end up with has no logical connection to where you began.

Producing is a little bit in my blood. Philanthropy also is a very important for me.

I think the best voices, the most creative voices, and the best content always wins.

The audience that watches on Sunday night is upscale, very female, and very engaged.

We always look to add more diverse characters to shows if we feel we haven't delivered.

Before I go to bed, sometimes I'll just sit outside and philosophically assess the day.

One of the things I learned in college is that if you're going to be late for an audition, don't go.

There's always a knee-jerk reaction in our business to analyze and determine why something didn't work.

Pilot season isn't perfect, and it certainly is a very difficult time. But pilot season does work for us.

I want to hear Damon Lindelof complain about broadcast when he goes to the bank to cash his 'Lost' checks.

I'm on the board of trustees at Boston University. I'm on the board of trustees at Jewish Family Services.

Finding new voices with fresh ideas is the hardest and most rewarding part of a television executive's job.

I'm part Latin, so everything in the Latin culture is - there's a lot of hyperbole, and there's a lot of melodrama.

It's about story; it is a social experiment, and people take that into account when they're watching 'Big Brother.'

We're committed to delivering our viewers and advertisers year-round programming with a wide variety of storytelling.

'Survivor' is one of CBS's signature series and symbol of enduring quality and entertainment on prime time television.

Without the nontraditional methods we used to promote 'Jericho'... we wouldn't have been able to get the traction we did.

'Without a Trace' analyzes criminal behavior in the special context of a disappearance. We consider it a suspense thriller.

Television's an intimate medium. It's in our living rooms. It's in our bathrooms. It's in our bedrooms - and we respect that.

'Criminal Minds' consists of stories told within the framework of the FBI behavioral science unit. It's about serial profiling.

We continue to see summer as a great place for unique concepts, innovative business models, and passionate television audiences.

Any show in its first season goes through multiple changes. There is little or no difference to changing the cast on a talk show.

At the end of the day, it is about doing your best work - controlling what you can control and not trying to control what you can't.

As an outsider, you observe what everyone is saying. Insiders are sometimes too insulated, listening to voices in their own little group.

'The Dovekeepers' is a compelling, beautifully written novel that combines history and fiction into a timeless story of survival and heroism.

Through eight years, 'How I Met Your Mother' has mastered the art of leading-edge comedy, emotional water-cooler moments, and pop culture catch-phrases.

Well, when you have an opportunity to build a show around one of the greatest detectives in all of literature, you're going to jump at that opportunity.

The original 'CSI' grew stronger once the spinoffs became entrenched. Like any good franchise, when there's a great story to be told, viewers can't get enough.

Throughout my career, the pounding in my heart, the fright, has been ever-present, but I never turned back. Fear can be a highly motivational part of the journey.

James Corden is a rare entertainment force who combines irresistible charm, warmth, and originality with a diverse range of creative instincts and performance talent.

When I was in drama development, you hear anywhere between 500 to 600 pitches a season, and you do feel like you hit the wall. But I will never say, 'No, I won't hear that.'

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