I hate Mourinho. He's a fool.

You and I are gonna live forever...

I don't live to work; I work to live.

I'm against people downloading music.

Every song that I play I wrote by myself.

We shouldn't need riot police at schools.

Great music is in the ear of the beholder.

Gold and silver and sunshine is rising up.

I'm equal part genius, equal part buffoon.

Frontmen come alive when they come onstage.

I have to be myself, I can't be no one else.

There's not enough good things in the world.

They should be shot. (on the Backstreet Boys)

There's no reason, ever, to be late. Or early.

You can have it all but how much do you want it?

For the record, I Iike Jay-Z. That's my opinion.

America is incredibly professional and corporate.

We live a dying dream, If you know what I mean...

We dragged English guitar music out of the gutter.

I just think Radiohead are f-in' miserable bastards.

The charts are only relevant when you're top of them!

I've never felt like I had anything important to say.

Don't lay a finger on me eyebrows or I'll sue you f...

The thing about Manchester is...it all comes from here

If I were in the Beatles, I'd be a good George Harrison.

All i would like to say is that I'm rich and you're not.

You can't be a mod and a rocker. You have to choose sides.

I don't mind One Direction. They're harmless, aren't they?

It's a sad state when more people retweet than buy records.

I like Chris Martin. I think he's a really great songwriter.

I love the NFL. I don't have a team per se, but I'm into it.

I'm a great songwriter, but I'm not the most talented musician.

There's enough music in the world. There are enough rock stars.

You gotta say what you say, Don't let anybody get in your way...

I sold my soul for the second time, cause' the man don't pay me.

Drugs is like getting up and having a cup of tea in the morning.

You don't have to be great to be successful. Look at Phil Collins.

America is a really delicate flower that needs a lot of attention.

I'm not technically proficient enough to attempt all kinds of music.

I've got a fleet of cars and I've never had a driving license, ever.

We're not arrogant, we just believe we're the best band in the world.

Kids and family life are only as good as your wife, and she's amazing.

Those who don't say what they mean will live and die by their own sword.

I'll have my way, In my own time, I'll have my say, My star will shine...

Thank you for the sun, The one that shines on everyone, Who feels love...

I hate that Alex [James] and Damon [Albarn]. I hope they catch AIDS and die.

I'm a little bit of a control freak when it comes to my music, unfortunately.

I don't have the genetic make-up of a frontman, but I'm learning how to do it.

I don't have the genetic make up of a frontman, but I'm learning how to do it.

True perfection has to be imperfect. I know that sounds foolish, but it's true.

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