The world can get a bit ugly sometimes.

Part of being human is having a sense of humor.

I think more about sounds rather than concepts.

Growing up, I never thought about the thing called money.

How many records you sell really does not matter. It's whatever you give.

I'm getting older every day, and I'm going to be making music until I drop dead.

Transport drives me crazy. I find myself on this constant conveyor belt and the planes, buses, traffic jams, ugh.

Be you own hero, be your own saviour, send all your suffering into the fire. Let no foot, mark your ground, let no hand, hold you down.

I finally realized that so much of the music world is about how much money you've got, how much you can pay to make your record successful.

An electronic instrument is just harboring a natural element the same way that a guitar is harboring an acoustic element. It's all nature, really.

I think because I'm 6'4" and have blond hair and I didn't dress like any other kind of a boy, people just immediately thought I was some kind of circus animal.

To me, there's never been a difference between electronic and acoustic. I've always had this idea that electricity is another element like wind or fire or water.

I became slightly disillusioned, but in a really good way that enabled me to realize that the music was the most important thing, and that the rest of it is total bullshit.

Europe isn't something connected by the Euro. Every little dimension of Europe is so hugely different, and I think America is different in its states as well, so I never really think of things in big blocks, in terms of other artists.

I think a lot people get caught up with the synthetic quality of electronic music, but me, I've always been more interested in all those more natural sounds, in organic electricity. That's something that I want to continue to work with.

When you're 18 and you've made the album of your dreams, you're not really thinking about the machinery that will actually take it to the public. You just think: "I've done the best thing that I could ever do and this is the most magic moment for me."

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