Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste.

My father was a dreamy fellow - he read Plato and Socrates and watched Phillies games.

First of all, anybody who has lasted 30 and went through the 60's is really a survivor.

I know fashion is a material thing, but we live in a material world and I love clothes.

I don't feel that censorship keeps me from doing the work, though. I'm my bigger censor.

I love my little overgrown yard. And my house is wonderful. It's everything that I need.

Mohammed personally mapped out seven heavens. If he got to seven, you know there's more.

It was like being at an Arabian hoedown with a band of psychedelic hillbillies (p. 171).

Deep in my heart how the presence of you shines, in a light to last a whole life through.

Sometimes I just wanted to raise my hands and stop. But stop what? Maybe just growing up.

Robert was concerned with how to make the photograph, and I with how to be the photograph.

I don't wear makeup. I can't stand nothin' on my face. It's a phobia. It's not a platform.

People say hello to me. I mean, sometimes the sanitation truck goes by and says, hey Patti.

I think its very important that we enjoy our life, that we get everything we can out of it.

If your label won't let you have the cover you want or sing the songs you want, then leave!

Angel looks down at him and says, “Oh, pretty boy, Can't you show me nothing but surrender?

I was quite an insomniac. I rarely slept as a child. Having God to talk to at night was nice.

I hated the makeup. I hated all that pancake makeup. I didn't really like dressing for parts.

I liked being on stage, I just didn't like the theatrical aspect of being in front of people.

I liked being on stage; I just didn't like the theatrical aspect of being in front of people.

If I have any regrets, I could say that I'm sorry I wasn't a better writer or a better singer.

I am not really certain how original my contribution to music is as I am obviously an amateur.

Why can't I write something that would awake the dead? That pursuit is what burns most deeply.

In the '60s, I used to love rock magazines; I'd cut out pictures of Bob Dylan and John Lennon.

I like energy. I like to feel it cracklin', I like sexual energy in a room, and I like tension.

My mission is to communicate, to wake people up, just to give them my energy and accept theirs.

The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times.

It was always my belief that rock and roll belonged in the hands of the people, not rock stars.

It will not fall away. Man cannot judge it. For art sings of God, and ultimately belongs to Him.

Hung-up women can't produce anything but mediocre art, and there ain't no room for mediocre art.

My public life was so demanding that I wasn't doing the things that I deemed the most important.

I was actually born in Chicago, and then when I was a toddler, my parents moved to Philadelphia.

In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.

You can't work on that scale without trust. I learned that from working with Robert Mapplethorpe.

I like my time on earth. And no matter what kind of cards I've been dealt, I'm happy to be there.

My siblings were a bit younger than me, and I was always entertaining them and making up stories.

I think it's good for people to see the positive beauty that can flower from the deepest grieving.

I knew William Burroughs really well, and I was always star struck being around him. I adored him.

I never really wanted to be a singer - not with any longevity. But I always wanted to be a writer.

I longed to read everything I possibly could, and the things I read in turn produced new yearnings.

Life isn't some vertical or horizontal line -- you have your own interior world, and it's not neat.

Sometimes [people] seem to think I came out of the womb, you know, cursing, with an electric guitar.

I feel about politics the same way I do about religion: I find the best I can from different things.

I have loved books all my life. There is nothing more beautiful in our material world than the book.

People need space to air out their thoughts, to have a sense of themselves - unfettered by anything.

I'm an intuitive musician. I have no real technical skills. I can only play six chords on the guitar.

Rock & roll is like a painting. Can great paintings still be done? It depends on who holds the brush.

The new artists coming through were very materialistic and Hollywood, not so engaged in communication.

We never threw a record together. Each record was done really seriously, as if our life depended on it.

I had gone to Paris to immerse myself in painting and I came back wholly involved in words and rhythms.

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