A good artist's always got his hand in his zipper.

In fact, I thought my calling was to be a painter.

People have the power to redeem the work of fools.

I realize that people need something to believe in.

I've always thrived on the encouragement of others.

I'm an artist. I'm interested in how art gets made.

I think the film [Dream of Life] is life-affirming.

Committing great work does not necessarily feed you.

The film [Dream of Life] looks at a time in my life.

I wish I could just project everything on the paper.

As far as I'm concerned, being any gender is a drag.

...my camera is my friend, and I take it everywhere.

If you over-plan, you close the door on possibilities.

When I was a young girl, I'd love giving book reports.

I walk alone, assaulted it seems, by tears from heaven.

I don't think anything can prepare you for one's losses.

C'mon, I mean who didn't listen to 'The Who' in the 60s?

One day we’ll go in together, and the work will be ours.

I have vague memories, like impressions on glass plates.

I’m not much a role model in terms of hair care, though.

I've written a lot of prose. I just haven't published it.

I always know that everything I do is the best I could do.

I'm here right now and I want now to be the greatest time.

I know I'm a strong performer. I'm not an evolved musician.

If you feel good about who you are inside, it will radiate.

My mother loved rock and roll. She loved high-energy music.

We go through life. We shed our skins. We become ourselves.

An artist is somebody who enters into competition with God.

As I grew up, one of my strongest allies has been my sister.

When I did 'Horses,' I never expected to make another album.

As a citizen, hopefully I'm humanist. As an artist, I'm free.

Acknowledge all man as fellow creation, but don't follow him.

Fate is like a secret friend that helps push you on into life.

I've always believed in having a sense of balance and stealth.

Americans just don't know what being a movie star's all about.

I wanted to go to Portland because it's a really good book town.

If you don't have what you need, just rock with what you've got!

Besides me wanting to be an artist, I wanted to be a movie star.

I still don't want to be put in the feminist bag. I'm a humanist.

I personally am not interested in people trying to pigeonhole me.

The two things that constantly inspired me were books and travel.

It was no hardship to me to spend long hours reading and writing.

Finally, by the sea, where God is everywhere, I gradually calmed.

We need a new cosmology. New gods. New sacraments. Another drink.

Outside of society, if you're looking that's where you'll find me.

Spare the child and spoil the rod, I am not sellin' myself to god.

Sometimes you have to abandon your own children for other children.

I was real religious when I was young. I wanted to be a missionary.

I am still a very optimistic person. I continue to do work with joy.

Nothing will stifle your human evolution more than fame and fortune.

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