Life is an adventure of our own design intersected by fate and a series of lucky and unlucky accidents.

I'm a worker. I do the work to communicate, and I want people to embrace it, and when they do I'm happy.

I got my style from a lot of different people, even my style of reading, even Johnny Carson inspired me.

I wasn't taking drugs or drinking. I was working and working and working. But I wasn't writing anything.

I just do my work, and I work every day, and my ambition is just to do something better than I last did.

I reflected on the fact that no matter how good I aspired to be, I was never going to achieve perfection

One thing I like about getting older is things, your spectrum widens, your capacity for compassion widens.

Everyone thinks of God as a man - you can't help it - Santa Claus was a man, therefore God has to be a man.

I want to be around a really long time. I want to be a thorn in the side of everything as long as possible.

I wasn't thinking so much of music. I wasnt thinking so much of perfection or stardom or any of that stuff.

If I feel any marginalisation, it's because the things that concern me aren't so important to other people.

Both of them were ahead of their time, but they didn't live long enough to see the time they were ahead of.

I didn't begin my life in 1975 with 'Horses.' I recorded 'Horses' in 1975, but was drawing in Paris in 1969.

I've always had a desire to write something and capture people's imagination like Peter Pan had captured mine.

I hate to be enclosed. I don't like bathroom doors - I don't shut them. In fact, in my house, I have no doors.

Good press, bad press, whatever, only means a lot to me if it's writ by somebody I respect, by somebody I like.

The film [Dream of Life] doesn't hide anything, except maybe moments of sorrow or darkness that belonged to me.

I don't believe people playing rock n' roll should have crowns. We're not kings and queens. Anybody can play it.

I'd never had people drive me around, and then all of a sudden, if a car didn't come, I'd say, "Where's my car?"

No, my work does not reflect my sexual preferences, it reflects the fact that I feel total freedom as an artist.

I'm not saying I wasn't flawed or amateurish. But you can never say I did anything to appease the music business.

I think some of that hopelessness of my generation got passed on to later generations - the sense of uselessness.

I never felt oppressed because of my gender. When I'm writing a poem or drawing, I'm not a female; I'm an artist.

I felt alien my whole life but I didn't feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender.

All of my role models, whether it was the disciples, or John the Baptist or Arthur Rimbaud, slept under the stars.

I felt alien my whole life, but I didn't feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender.

The thing I've always liked about performing is that I decide what I want to wear, whether I want to comb my hair.

I was horny, but I was innocent 'cause I was a real-late bloomer and not particularly attractive. In fact, homely.

I would rather write or record something great and have it overlooked than do mediocre work and have it be popular.

Sometimes I get lost in watching a film. The sorrow, or the frustration, is when it doesn't happen for a long time.

Good news doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing. Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man.

Obviously, I'm not homeless. I'm not an old alcoholic. I'm not jumping trains. I just like to live in a certain way.

When I was a teenager, I had trouble getting a boyfriend, so I imagined Arthur Rimbaud or Bob Dylan as my boyfriend.

I understood that in this small space of time we had mutually surrendered our loneliness and replaced it with trust.

I'm not afraid of terrorism at all. I'm afraid of loss of our freedom, loss of mobility, loss of global comradeship.

The people have the power to redeem the work of fools. Upon the meek the graces shower, it's decreed the people rule.

I was so horny in school it felt like my body was filled with electricity. I felt like I had neon bones or something.

I like photographing dresses in windows. I actually wore a lot of dresses in the '70s. I like them on other people now.

Sure I destroyed my guitar at every concert, but it was okay, because I'd always get a shiny new one the very next day.

We wanted, it seemed, what we already had, a lover and a friend to create with, side by side. To be loyal, yet be free.

I think masturbating is a really important function in art. People don't like to hear that kind of stuff, but it's true.

It got to the point where I started hiding because I didn't want to be photographed. (On living with Robert Mapplethorpe)

I don't know why, the very first word on my very first record is 'Jesus.' I still invoke him as an entity to reckon with.

You're not a rock n' roll person four hours a day or even when you're on stage. It's become the rhythm of your whole life.

When I'm on my own with my camera, taking these pictures, it feels as if I am in a room of my own, a self-contained world.

If I'm really working on something, writing or painting or really concentrating, I don't even think about brushing my hair.

You're not a rock 'n' roll person four hours a day or even when you're on stage. It's become the rhythm of your whole life.

I'd try to write my poems in a certain rhythm. I had my rock 'n' roll stuff for performing and my denser stuff for writing.

I was so unhealthy as a child, and at least three or four times my parents were told to get ready, that I would not make it.

I know from an early age that I'm very comfortable in front of people. When I was a young girl, I'd love giving book reports.

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