My soul is in good shape.

Creating anything is hard.

I've never been on a cruise.

Yeah, writers do hate writing.

I don't want to repeat myself.

To act well isn't an easy thing.

I try not to plan that too much.

Great talent admits shortcomings.

My ideal weight is 205, actually.

My mum is incredibly intelligent.

I got sober when I was 22 years old.

The film is made in the editing room.

In film, you have to let go sometimes.

I think I'm less anonymous than I was.

I didn't really buy LPs or go to concerts.

I had a father who was a traveling salesman.

Actors are responsible to the people we play.

I've grown to really love musicals, you know?

You have all the influence you choose to have.

I feel like I made a little bit of difference.

The size of my head though is pretty abnormal.

One person's religion is another person's cult.

Creating something is all about problem-solving.

Well, I think everyone struggles with self-love.

I think part of being an actor is staying private.

The strange thing is I never thought I'd do films.

My girlfriend's a costume designer in the theater.

Ultimately what I'll do next is up in the air for me.

The drama nerd comes out in me when I'm in a theater.

Women are the life force we look at for their beauty.

In a film there a lot of people scheduling, you know.

Learning how to die is therefore learning how to live.

Why you do something is always kind of a mystery to me.

Plays never feel like the right thing to do at the time.

There is no pleasure that I haven't actually made myself sick on.

The foibles of my body are pretty much out there in the work I do.

To be loved, I think, is the thing that gets you up in the morning.

To be fair to my dad, he is one of the brightest men I've ever met.

I don't get nervous when I'm directing a play. It's not like acting.

I didn't have any idea that I would be able to have a career in film.

Good work is the only thing that would make me feel jealous or envious.

All over the world, young men and young women will always dream dreams.

I know I wasn't as handsome as some other guys, but I was OK with that.

I got into plays in high school then I ended up going to college for it.

You can look at anything as a cult. Churches are cults in their own way.

Life's pretty funny when you're objectively on the outside looking at it.

It's really hard to watch things and then not think about anything afterwards.

People aren't going to throw the kind of money at certain people that they used to.

Something that could bring you wealth and fame could also be your end, your undoing.

There's nothing risky in talking about your personal life. People do it all the time.

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