I want a Stanley Cup.

I stay true to who I am.

The fans in Montreal are great.

I've always liked country music.

I drop the gloves once in a while.

I grew up a Montreal Canadiens fan.

Winning is the most important thing to me.

Everything I do is with a planned approach.

Chuck Hughes is one of my very good friends.

Coming into a new dressing room is exciting.

My family doesn't know what vacations are, man.

I'm a pretty big believer in seizing the moment.

People appreciate that I'm not scared to make a mistake.

My job is to come out and help build a championship team.

I always look at it this way: You try to create your own luck.

At the end of the day, I want to be the best teammate I can be.

Your butt and back are two of the strongest parts of your body.

No one remembers the guy who goes out and does an adequate job.

I've been playing hockey since I was two-and-a-half, three years old.

My jersey might change, but what I support will always stay the same.

I think it's important to build people up and to make people feel good.

I'm a competitive guy, and when it's time to be competitive, I'm all in.

To win the Stanley Cup is such a process and it takes everybody on board.

Life is a chess match. Every decision that you make has a consequence to it.

I've come to Boston many times, my family has come here, and it's been great.

It would be a great honor. I'd love to be the captain of the Montreal Canadiens.

There wasn't a day when I felt like hockey was work. I still don't feel that way.

Just leaving it all on the ice, I do it every game, and the fans appreciate that.

To me, that's how I want to define my career, is making a difference in big games.

I eat a lot of protein - steak in the morning, steak in the afternoon, fish, chicken.

You only have one shot at most things, so why not give it everything you've got, right?

Adding a player like Jack Hughes, a lot of teams in the NHL would dream of that talent.

I get fat if I eat too many carbs. It's just the way my body is, so I gotta watch the carbs.

I think it's important for athletes to set a tone in a way that we're looking to build bridges.

Why do I have to just focus on hockey? Why can't I help people? Why can't I have fun with my fans?

I know I'm black. Everyone knows I'm black. But I don't want to be defined as a black hockey player.

It's something I am very passionate about, designing clothes and being creative and fashion-forward.

We have so many guys in the NHL who can lead by example and I embrace being a role model for a lot of kids.

When you go into a new city, or any city that you play for, the community is a big part of every organization.

The Olympics is about representing your country, and if you get an opportunity to play you give it all you have.

Our law enforcement, these are people that leave their houses and may not come back home at the end of the night.

People make a mistake saying I'm trying to break down barriers and change the game. I'm not trying to do any of that.

I've always been one to want to represent my country. I've done it on a few occasions and I've had tremendous success.

I've never been short of putting high expectations on myself; I've never been short of saying I want to win a Stanley Cup.

Always been a Cowboys fan. Started as a Deion Sanders fan and learned to love the Cowboys. My dad's a big Cowboys fan too.

I'm a pretty personable guy, so I'll never shy away from a fan that wants to ask me a question or even introduce themselves.

Listen, I always choose to see the good in people. And everybody's different, everybody chooses to handle things differently.

I never look at myself as a black player. I think of myself as a hockey player that wants to be the best player in the league.

I think that in all aspects of the game, especially in professional sports but specifically in hockey, we want to grow the game.

For me, on the ice that's my job, to have an impact on the team in a positive way that fits into our system and how we want to play.

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