I do notice that I am tired.

I'm really, really emotional.

That's painful always to lose.

I have no sense of humor about losing

It's not the time to look for excuses.

In my humble opinion, change is stupid.

I am going to fight for important things.

I am No. 8 in the world. I am not No. 100.

I dont have good luck in the match points.

I'm only superstitious on the tennis court.

I play each point like my life depends on it.

I have lived my whole life with high intensity.

I just wanted to see how the shorts felt again.

I don't have any idols, any heroes, nothing, no.

No one is perfect. Everybody does stupid things.

Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions.

It is important to recognize the small successes.

I learned during all my career to enjoy suffering.

Losing is not my enemy..fear of losing is my enemy.

I'm delighted with the way I'm playing at the moment

New York is a special place; it's a city that I love.

It's the same old story, all you think about is money.

If the plane moves, some turbulence, I am nervous flyer.

I take pleasure in tennis and the hope that it requires.

Always I believe that I can play better. But I am happy.

My motivation is tomorrow, just one day at a time, right?

What happened happened. Important thing is what can come.

Every girl has her own character, every boy his own mind.

I played almost four hours today, ... Im very, very tired.

Anyone could become a star, but everyone must be a human being.

However great your dedication, you never win anything on your own

I am not the most courageous guy in the world outside of the court.

I don't expect never an easy match. I always expect difficult matches.

Something that works for one person could be a disadvantage to another.

My parents' divorce made an important change in my life. It affected me.

The young athletes are supposed to mature, to improve their personality.

It is the small steps which bring you satisfaction at the end of the day.

I will do as I usually do. Tomorrow is going to be a day like any other day.

I'm lucky enough to do what I like for work - not everyone's that fortunate.

I appreciate a lot in this life; the things you cannot buy. Life is only once.

I am decidedly unfriendly during a golf game, from the first hole to the last.

Playing well or playing bad, I have to play aggressive. I must play aggressive.

I'd rather lose an argument than get into a long discussion in order to win it.

I always wanted to be honest with myself and to those who have had faith in me.

I normally listen to Spanish music - well, Latin music. I like a lot of singers.

I only ever run when there's some point to it - say, if it's in a game of tennis.

I love the beach. I love the sea. All my life I live within - in front of the sea.

Tennis is a hard sport. There is a lot of competition all year and you play alone.

I'm delighted and feel incredibly happy with what have been an amazing two months.

I normally listen to Spanish music - well, Latin music. I like a lot of singers...

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