When meditation releases energy in you, it will find all sorts of ways to be expressed.

Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something inside to be realized.

There is great difference between trust and belief. Trust is personal, Belief is social.

In my vision, the thing that man needs first and foremost is a meditative consciousness.

It was Heraclitus' ideas that seized Nietzsche so totally that he became completely mad.

Happiness is a shadow of harmony; it follows harmony. There is no other way to be happy.

Never feel lonely. You are never lonely. At the deepest core of your being, God resides.

Respect Life and Life will respect You. Love Life and Love will shower Blessings on You.

To me the greatest problem with humanity is that they don't know anything of meditation.

Jesus was a lover of life, a very affirmative person, but Christianity is life-negative.

Anybody who says that love is a hindrance on the path of self-realization is not a sage.

Watch, witness. Your body is not you; your mind is not you. You are just a pure witness.

My meditation is a method of being aware - of whatever you are doing, thinking, feeling.

Bring individuality into things, do not just be an imitator. To imitate is to miss life.

This art of participating in happiness is one of the foundations if you want to be happy.

The man of control lives in choice, and the man of understanding lives in choicelessness.

This is the way the mind functions: its whole interest is in that which you have not got.

Remember, Jesus says: Those who are the last here will be the first in my kingdom of God.

The heart knows nothing of the past, nothing of the future; it knows only of the present.

It all depends on you. You can go on sleeping forever, you can wake up right this moment.

God is your very being. So the first thing is, don't think about enlightenment as a goal.

Love needs two things: it has to be rooted in freedom and it has to know the art of trust.

Have you not watched it yourself? Whenever you are total in something there is celebration.

When you bring the light into your dark house, that is when you see the cobwebs and spiders

You become angry because something or someone has done something against your expectations.

I would like the whole world to be full of feminine qualities. Then only can wars disappear.

Don't say this is good and that is bad. Drop all discrimination. Accept everything as it is.

All methods of meditation are nothing but methods to help you to remember the art of let-go.

They say: Think twice before you jump. I say: Jump first and then think as much as you want!

respect life,revere life.there is nothing more holy than life,nothing more divine than life.

God is the ultimate experience of silence, of beauty, of bliss, a state of inner celebration.

Become more watchful and anger will be less and greed will be less and jealousy will be less.

Pleasure is a sort of oblivion, a forgetfulness. Pain is remembrance, you cannot forget pain.

Misery comes the moment you become clinging, attached. The moment you put conditions on life.

Meditation is a silent heart, a peaceful mind which can make life more lovable, more livable.

Happiness is an art that one has to learn. It has nothing to do with your doing or not doing.

Moving from love, not fear - a beautiful idea, especially when applied literally to the body.

Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created.

There is no god, so how can I consider myself a god? God is the greatest lie invented by man.

Remember, frustration is out of expectation, and ego is always expecting. The ego is a beggar.

It's not a question of learning much.On the contrary.It's a question of UNLEARNING much.' Osho

Awareness is an inner quality of consciousness; it has nothing to do with closed or open eyes.

Eyes which have lost their tears have lost their most beautiful, their most glorious treasure.

Your innermost core has always been pure. Purity is intrinsic to you, it cannot be taken away.

A little foolishness, enough 2 enjoy life, & a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do

Love deeply, love without jealousy, love blissfully and help each other to be more meditative.

Once you start drinking a little of meditativeness, a little of love, you start growing wings.

The heart is like a flower. Unless it is open, it cannot release its fragrance into the world.

One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: Life is really a great cosmic laughter.

Mind is the absence of meditation. The moment meditation arises in you, mind is found nowhere.

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