Democracy is always frustrating.

All human beings are entrepreneurs.

You gotta be both flexible and persistent.

By 2030 over 2 billion jobs will disappear.

Business is the systematic playing of games.

Silicon Valley is a mindset, not a location.

Relatively few people should start companies.

The future is sooner and stranger than you think.

Great opportunities almost never fit your schedule.

Society flourishes when people think entrepreneurally.

Help the people in your network. And let them help you.

Good ideas need good strategy to realize their potential.

Not only CAN anyone be an entrepreneur, but they MUST be.

I'm a little unusual: I'm a six-person-or-less extrovert.

Your customers are always a bottomless well of surprises.

It's better to be the best connected than the most connected.

Innovation comes from long-term thinking and iterative execution.

You jump off a cliff and you assemble an airplane on the way down.

It's very conventional to say that you're a contrarian these days.

Economic tough times are great times to be investing in the future.

Part of the entrepreneurial thing is there are lots of ways to die.

We don't celebrate failure in Silicon Valley. We celebrate learning

Pay attention to your culture and your hires from the very beginning.

Every individual is essentially now a small business and entrepreneur.

Democracy tends to be a collaborative process, a committee, a consensus.

Even by Silicon Valley standards, PayPal's vision was massively ambitious.

The real secret of Silicon Valley is that it's really all about the people

You have to be constantly reinventing yourself and investing in the future.

If you could train an AI to be a Buddhist, it would probably be pretty good.

Sometimes freedom from normal rules is what gives you competitive advantage.

World-changing startups need to be premised on accurate contrarian theories.

Be persistent, and hang on to your vision. And at the same time, be flexible.

The same instincts that make us good students can make us lousy entrepreneurs.

When you’re doing work you care about, you are able to work harder and better.

We need to invest in technologies that amplify human capacity, not replace it.

If you don't start out aiming for the big game, you almost never can get there.

I think the boarding schools are like miniature versions of "Lord of the Flies."

It’s actually pretty easy to be contrarian. It’s hard to be contrarian and right.

The key issue when you're looking at cost cutting is to always plan for the future.

The question is: how you cross uneven ground, how you assemble networks around you.

Each year, I ask, 'Now that I have this knowledge, these resources, what can I do?'

I am most heartened when I'm talking to a team when they're reasoning to each other.

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late.

What is an entrepreneur? Someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down.

Ironically, in a changing world, playing it safe is one of the riskiest things you can do.

I actually think every individual is now an entrepreneur, whether they recognize it or not.

Trust and mutual value creation helps both employer and employee compete in the marketplace.

If performance management were a movie, it will become less 'Gladiator' and more 'Moneyball.'

Donald Trump has shown that he will essentially attack individuals, make Second Amendment jokes.

For me, the ethical arguments that resonate strongest are the ones that oppose the death penalty.

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