With the UFC, anything can happen, really.

No fighter wants to risk getting ring rust.

I'm definitely driven to go as far as I can.

I've been dropped on my head multiple times.

The UFC does what it wants. That's just how it is.

The UFC are my employers, so they have to come first.

Sometimes, it doesn't matter if you're the world champ or not.

Court McGee is definitely a name worth fighting - and beating.

I have great striking, really great striking, and I hit very hard.

Happiness is a key to my success, and my family is a root of that.

I think everyone has to have their mettle tested in a tough fight.

If you don't make weight, you're breaching a contract, straight up.

I actually think that wrestling is much harder than MMA, to be honest.

I'm very picky with what I read. It's a specific genre of science fiction.

I know that it's a fight at the end of the day; it's not a grappling match.

I will be in the UFC one day, and it will take more than one man to stop me.

I'm a distance fighter - if you've seen me fight, I like ducking in and out.

I'm happy to fight anyone. There's no particular person I want to fight next.

Pretty much all my mother's side is Kiwi, and we have a strong Maori heritage.

I have faith in my wrestling, faith in my grappling, and faith in my striking.

I don't pick and choose. I've never really had an qualms about who I fight next.

Who am I to tell people what to do with their own careers and how they're doing?

I'm a striker. That's what I enjoy doing. And any chance to display that, I'm happy.

I was born in New Zealand, and I was raised in Australia, and I'm very proud of that.

I just don't want to be a champion; I want to be one of the best fighters there ever was.

I've got to give props to my dad. He got me into the UFC and the MMA scene to begin with.

The reason I fight is to provide for my family, and I cannot risk having that taken away.

Michael Bisping versus Georges St-Pierre is a money fight, and the UFC loves money fights.

Everyone knows I like to fight injured. Half the fights I've taken, I've always been injured.

I see all my hard fights as title fights. Every time I go in there, I'm fighting for my life.

With a guy like Yoel Romero, if he senses weakness, he will capitalize on it every time he can.

I need to take fights, and I expect to win all my fights, whether it's higher ranked or lower ranked.

Fighting on home soil is always a dream come true, and I'd love to unify the title here in Australia.

I'm very proud of my heritage and the blood that runs through my veins. I take a lot of strength from that.

Obviously, that's the thing any athlete wants to be able to do, to take weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

I used to get so stressed out before the fight, weeks out, because of how much weight I had to cut to get there.

I'm a very objective-driven bloke, so to have a goal in mind and to have something to do is very important to me.

Everyone needs an objective, and everyone needs a goal, and it was frustrating just kind of being at a standstill.

It's definitely been a progression, but I always knew I could be a great fighter. I could feel it inside of myself.

My mother's Maori, and my father's Australian. I take my strength from both my ancestors, and I'm really privileged.

That's the game plan - I've got it written down on paper: beat everyone. And that's what I'm looking forward to doing.

Obviously wrestling is a core component of MMA. And among UFC fighters, my take-down defence is considered quite high.

Everyone knows what crappy food is: high grease, high fat... or what clean eating is. They just make excuses not to do it.

I vigorously train in my jui jitsu and my wrestling, but my stand-up game gives me a huge advantage in defending take-downs.

I hit hard, and I hit fast - much faster than Bisping, much harder than Bisping, and I have much better defence than Bisping.

It's coffee - if I have just the right amount, I come across as charismatic. One too many, and it's like I'm having a seizure.

All my skill sets have grown; my experience in the Octagon has grown. I honestly just think I'm getting better with every fight.

It's definitely a reason I game so much: to forget about the pressures of fighting and the hardships of training and everything.

It's a very funny topic, missing weight and getting title shots. I think the punishments should be more severe, but I don't know.

Michael Bisping's whole life is a film scene. He's always acting. Confronting me at UFC 213, it makes me laugh. It's a bit clownish.

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