Big wins give you confidence.

HIL is a boon for Indian hockey.

I am a big fan of Diljit Dosanjh.

I am a master of drag-drag-flick.

For me, movie making is not business.

Hockey is a difficult and skill-based game.

I don't think of myself as a lesser player.

India is known for hockey all over the world.

I charged Rs 101 for the rights to my biopic.

I think every sport has its own loyal audience.

Hockey is my passion, and I cannot live without it.

I don't want sadness or happiness to affect my life.

Hockey fascinates me more than anything else in life.

It's a great feeling to earn a place in the Olympics.

I love this game too much to not give my best attempt.

There's no point sulking for what has happened in the past.

I have identified my weaknesses, and I am working on those.

My priority is to perform the job for which I am in the squad.

Everybody has their own way and signature style to play the game.

I think Hero Hockey India League is the world's best hockey league.

My only ultimate aim is to bring back the lost glory of Indian hockey.

I am a marquee player and certainly that means a lot of responsibility.

Any player who is in a national team is their because he deserves to be.

You can not be in top five in Olympic after just one year's preparation.

I owe my success to all my teammates. It is the result of the team work.

As was shown in 'Soorma,' for me, my father and brother have been my heroes.

As a drag flicker, I have always strived that my team wins and comes on top.

The Olympic Rings tattoo has played its part and will continue to motivate me.

I like to improve all the time and never let complacency creep into my system.

I saw tough times, and there were many nights when I would just cry out aloud.

Hockey players are given as much respect as any other sportsperson in our country.

Ric Charlesworth is a legendary figure. He is one of the best coaches in the world.

I am enjoying playing as a full back, and I would like to continue in this position.

I don't just want to be a drag-flicker. I want to be become a complete hockey player.

I never think that I'm the best flicker, but I practice to learn new things every day.

I have met people who have called me the god of hockey, but in my head, I know who I am.

I have gained experience over the years, but learning will keep happening in every game.

Indian coaches are strict on the field, but off the field, they take very good care of you.

When I had an accident in 2006, no one believed that I will return to the ground, but I did.

HIL boasts of a high-class list of players and coaches like Ric Charlesworth, Barry Dancer, etc.

I have specific plans. I have a lot of ideas, desi ideas, which I want to implement in coaching.

I think I am the first hockey player in India to have a wax statue of his own. It is a great honour.

Cleanliness is important, and more than that is the physical fitness to attain healthy body and mind.

It is very important to set yourself goals and work on them. It lifts your spirits and helps you focus.

I just want our government to make a world-class rehab centre in the country for sportspersons' recovery.

A competitive HIL means that India will be able to field a stronger team in the international tournaments.

'Roadies' tests your mental and physical ability in the most challenging way, and I have gone through this.

My mother says that I have abnormal capacity to tolerate pain. It's the first step to win over adversaries.

All those who have played with me are aware that I am very strict when it comes to discipline and punctuality.

I feel many times we do all the hard work, but in the absence of smart work, we do not get the desired results.

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