That's the thing about someone who rarely gets upset: when they do, you notice.

We laughed ourselves silly, taking back our shared past, gently, piece by piece.

As if at the age of eighteen life already sucked beyond any hope of improvement.

You don't have to make things harder then they have to be just to prove a point.

You should have seen your face," she said, her breath hot in my ear. "Sa-woooon.

You're not a sucker. You're just nice. You give people the benefit of the doubt.

It all depends on how you choose to live it. It's like forever, always changing.

Because the truth sometimes hurts," I said. Yeah," he said. "So do lies, though.

It's so, so stupid what we do to ourselves because we're afraid. It's so stupid.

The health of the people I love is all that really matters in this world. Period.

Some things you don't have to tell. Some things, between sisters, are understood.

What do you do when you finally hear everything you've always thought said aloud?

We didn't talk about our scars, the ones you could see and the ones you couldn't.

Life shouldn't be about the either/or. We're capable of more than that, you know?

Maybe I'd just figured out there were some things you were better off not knowing

Because it is so hard, in any life, to believe in what you can’t fully understand.

She was just a shell of her former self, functioning and talking but hardly alive.

I'm famously secretive about my work. Nobody reads my books till they're finished.

But risk is just part of relationships. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

Just because we don’t see eye to eye on everything doesn’t mean we can’t be close.

I didn't want to talk about what happened, so it seemed safest not to talk at all.

But it was important to simply be sought, even if you didn‟t ever want to be found.

But those words were only the middle of the story. There was a beginning here, too.

This is what daughters did. They left, and came home later with lives of their own.

I would miss Colby, but it wasn't going anywhere. All the more reason why I should.

I wasn't very happy in high school: it was a confusing and sort of sad time for me.

Only a real asshole takes liberties with someone else's car stereo. That's serious.

Like life isn't complicated enough. You should at least be able to follow the signs.

So maybe it wasn't the fairy tale. But those stories weren't real anyway. Mine were.

I was tired of hanging on, taking the torn pieces to make something whole with them.

Please. She sighed. 'Can't a girl have high standards? I don't want an ordinary boy.

It's funny how someone's perception of you can be formed without you even knowing it.

Her life was perfect. But as was often the case, the rest of us were still adjusting.

I didn't trot my pain out to show around. I kept it better hidden than anyone. I did.

Sometimes you dont even want to think aout what people are doing with their groceries.

You're not the kind of person who smiles for nothing, Colie. I have to earn every one.

He always did the leaving. But not this time. She kept walking, and did not look back.

Believe in yourself up here and it will make you stronger than you could ever imagine.

call it crazy, or just chicken salad. But within reason, or without it i was in it too.

I always have a goal, even if I keep it to myself. It allows me to keep pushing myself.

'I don't get it,' Caroline said, bemused. 'She's the only one with wings. Why is that?'

So he didn't have to prove how he felt about me. Like so much else, I should just know.

All the bitchy girls in the world are just a training ground for what men can do to you.

If you were dead," Owen told her, "you'd have bigger problems than what you were wearing.

Of course it hurts", she grumbled, tipping my head further back. "Life sucks. Get over it

How it seemed like you could see everything, but certain things were blocked out, hidden.

Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that's what makes you strong.

Teenagers are a great audience and they are fearless about asking what they want to know.

You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it.

Your actions is like a raindrop; it falls into the pond making ripples and then its over.

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