I've given lots of people chances. But there's only so much faith you can have in people.

Just me and the future, finally together. Now there was a happy ending I could believe in.

It is kind of hard to hold a lot in. But for me… it’s sometimes even harder to let it out.

People don't change. If anything, you get more set in your ways as you get older, not less

I was born in 1970 in Illinois, but all the life I remember I've spent in Chapel Hill, N.C.

Everything looks different when you're older, not staring up at the world but down upon it.

When someone starts to change, and it’s obvious, it's sort of natural to wonder why. Right?

The thing is I'm a great believer in the perfect moment. They don't come around that often.

That was the nice thing about the Spot: you could hear everything, but no one could see you.

I can't sit and twiddle my thumbs. I have to start writing even if it's miserable some days.

It's harder that in looks," I told him when I finally got back in the car. "Most things are.

The only thing I can't stand more than seeing something done wrong is seeing it done slowly.

It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth.

Fall in love with someone who truly deserves your heart. Not with someone who plays with it.

I wondered if he ever thought of me, and hated the pang I felt when I told myself he didn't.

Sometimes it seems safer to hold it all in, where the only person who can judge is yourself.

The way I see it," she continued, "is that some things are just meant to be the way they are.

What," I said, "is that a crime here or something? Like only buying one thing at the Gas/Gro?

Change is inevitable, though," he replied. "As is disappointment. Best to get used to it now.

I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell anyone. As long as I didn't say it aloud, it wasn't real.

I wondered if it was really because he cared about me, or if now I was just another challenge.

talk was cheap and useless. Action was what mattered. And me, I was moving. Now, again, always.

I've seen what commitment leads to. Going in is the easy part. It's the ending that sucks! -Remy

But against love, the case was solid. Easily argued. And you could, indeed, hold it in your hand.

There comes a time in every life when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your heart.

"It's gonna be okay," I said. It was the first time in a long time that I believed it. "It will."

Grief can be a burden, but also an anchor. You get used to the weight, how it holds you in place.

There's just something obvious about emptiness, even when you try to convince yourself otherwise.

It's so easy to get caught up in what people expect of you. Sometimes, you can just lose yourself.

There comes a point when things are undeniable and can't be hidden any longer. Even from yourself.

Whenever something great happens, you’re always kind of poised for the universe to correct itself.

When you had to do something, you had to do it. And eventually, if you were lucky, you did it well.

But when you're alone in the world, really alone, you have no choice but to be open to suggestions.

Maybe you could go backwards and forwards at the same time, but it wasn't easy. You had to want to.

Right now, though, I wanted not to think forward or backward, but only to lose myself in the words.

Even if you do make tons of new friends,” I told him, “try not to forget where you came from, okay?

But all the love in the world won't save a sinking ship. You have to either bail or jump overboard.

So I left him there alone to watch history repeat the same events retold again and again on his own.

Who says there has to be a point?" He asked. "Or a reason. Maybe it's just something you have to do.

I think readers are just looking for things that maybe they recognize or can relate to in the books.

He wasn't what I'd thought he was; maybe he never had been. I wasn't what I'd thought I was, either.

I'd known enough people for every minute of the day, and yet still didn't have anyone as my two a.m.

When you don't know where you're going, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to have more than you need.

It's a funny feeling, being suddenly airborne. Just as you realize it, it's over, and you're sinking.

Fine...a word that you said when someone asked how you were but didn't really care to know the truth.

It takes so little to change everything. If you really thought about it, it would scare you to death.

Every book teaches me something about my process, and they are all challenging in one way or another.

for once, you believed in yourself. you believed you were beautiful and so did the rest of the world.

But there was only one truth about forever that really mattered, and that was this: it was happening.

Now I felt like I was drifting, sucked down by an undertow, and too far out to swim back to the shore.

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