In the end, though, maybe it's not how you reach a place that matters. Just that you get there at all.

Doesn't it seem sometimes that the whole world's uphill but at least we know the way back will be easy.

There were so many levels to the unknown, from safe to dangerous to outright nebulous, scariest of all.

Growing up means :propelling yourself forward into whatever lies ahead, one turn of the wheel at a time.

Nah," I said. "But if it does, just tell him I said to get back on the bike." "What?" "He'll understand.

That first love. And the first one who breaks your heart. For me, they just happen to be the same person.

Despite our differences, we did have a history. No one understood where I was coming from the way he did.

Don't be a fool. Don't give up something important to hold onto someone who can't even say they love you.

Life is full of screwups. You're supposed to fail sometimes. It's a required part of the human existance.

And don't change for a guy, ever," Leah added. "If they're worthy, they'll like you just the way you are.

So this had been all I wanted, a boy who understood how I felt. Now, though, I sometimes wished for more.

You just walk over there and into the office and say, 'Hey, be my prom date,'" he said. "It's that simple.

It's always been hard to call myself a writer. I think a part of me still thinks it's too good to be true.

You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs.

Like it takes so little not only to change something, but to make you forget the way it once was, as well.

Writing a novel is like childbirth: once you realize how awful it really is, you never want to do it again.

I love writing about the summer between high school and college. It's the last gasp of really being a teen.

I don't lie." "You don't lie," I repeated. "That's what I said." "Ever." "Nope." Sure you don't, I thought.

Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you.

Sometimes really, really bad things happen to people, and there is no explanation and no reason whatsoever.

But as i lay there, it only seemes like silence filling my ears. And the thing was, it was so freaking loud.

I looked at the sweatshirt again. "'You swim' is a philosophy?" He shrugged. "Better than 'you sink', right?

You’re always a kid around your parents… Unless they’re acting like children. Then you don’t get the chance.

You can't just turn your heart off like a faucet; you have to go to the source and dry it out, drop by drop.

The mistakes you make now count. Not for everything, and not forever. But they do matter, and they shape you.

Everything, in the end, comes down to timing. One second, one minute, one hour could make all the difference.

And for one second, it was like I could feel the timing clicking together, finally pieces falling into place.

Life's too short to worry about the little things. Enjoy what you have today, not what you might get tomorrow

Like so many before them, they didn't care that my dad was only the messenger. They still wanted to shoot him.

But if something was really important, fate made sure it somehow came back to you and gave you another chance.

I never really know what I'm going to write next until it comes to me. So we'll just have to see what happens.

You can't love anyone that way more than once in a lifetime. It's too hard and it hurts too much when it ends.

Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, is the charm.

It took a lot of work to be perfect. If you didn’t want to break a sweat, there was no point in even bothering.

But you only get so many do-overs in this life, so many chances to, if not change your past, alter your future.

You know, feeling and action are always linked, one can't exist without the other. It's sort of a hippie thing.

But there was something I liked about the idea of those seeds buried so deep having at least a chance to emerge

I think whenever a writer is really enjoying themselves and liking what they are doing, that shows on the page.

It was just one of those things," I said, "You know, that just happen. You don't think or plan. You just do it.

Your mother won a special reward," she told me, "because everyone had a head in her pictures. We all applauded.

So you should remember that, when you're thinking about what other people can deal with. Maybe it's not so bad.

She said writting novels was like childbirth: if you truly remembered how awful it got, you'd never do it again.

I looked down again at the sign in my hand - ENJOY THE RIDE! - and it seemed, suddenly, to be just that. A sign.

I'm always hopeful. I feel like I'm at the prom sitting against the wall waiting for someone to ask me to dance.

You can't make any one person your world. The trick is to take what each can give you and build a world from it.

She stroked my hair and told me I was beautiful, but I was old enough by then to know not to believe it anymore.

It sounded stupid, but of course everything does when you're just getting the bare bones facts, only the basics.

I think when you're a beginning author with any publishing company, there's only so much they can put behind you.

You can't always get the perfect moment. Sometimes, you just have to do the best you can under the circumstances.

If he'd been any other boy, and this was any other world, I would have kissed him. Nothing could have stopped me.

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