Vulnerability is power.

this is her body this is her blood

Come, my love, we have oceans to sail.

I feel pretty vulnerable all the time.

I think that heartbreak is a good thing.

If you feel something, you should do it.

Two autumns and I have not changed enough.

Fax me a fact, and I'll telegram a hologram.

The wind is the moon's imagination wandering.

Hip-hop is too young to put a definition on it

Hip-hop is too young to put a definition on it.

I hear the weed is really strong in California.

she stuck a bookmark in my heart and walked away

The hero is the person who's afraid to run away.

A lie preserved in stained glass doesn't make it more true.

I can't say that I always want to get out of bed, you know.

My father's a preacher, my mother's a teacher, thus I rhyme.

Some rather seek up high Than dig and grind that inner truth

only through new words might new worlds be called into order

My love is my soul's imagination. How do I love you? Imagine.

My father's a preacher, my mother's a teacher, thus... I rhyme.

I've always been inspired by a lot of work coming out of the UK

Art itself is underserved when we don't realize the power of it.

I feel that people need to be jolted out of their comfort zones.

I've always been inspired by a lot of work coming out of the UK.

she kissed as if she, alone, could forge the signature of the sun

Books are carefully folded forests/void of autumn/bound from the sun

Jay Z and President Bush have a lot in common, that same brash confidence

Honestly, I don't always want to get up in the mornings, but I do anyway.

Jay Z and President Bush have a lot in common, that same brash confidence.

More people than ever are slowly but surely turning their ears toward poetry

More people than ever are slowly but surely turning their ears toward poetry.

We all have different relationships with music. But the music is always there.

I have an acquired taste for language, yet it is seldom an actual focus of mine.

the anchor man thrown overboard has simply rooted us in history's repeating cycle

The MC has to be just that, a master in control. They can show no signs of weakness.

Dying is something you have no control over. Why waste your life being afraid of it?

I was always making up rhymes. But I never thought that poetry would become my life.

I have a very family-like connection to hip-hop, which is why it frustrates me so much.

The music aids the message, it's there to punctuate and abbreviate and shape the silence

The music aids the message, it's there to punctuate and abbreviate and shape the silence.

The organization of self, and all self-aligning principles would be those that I promote.

I think everybody on this planet does that - trying to capture your dream after you wake up.

the greatest Americans have not been born yet they are waiting patiently for the past to die

intelligence is intuitive you needn't learn to love unless you've been taught to fear and hate

Legislation won't necessarily start a riot. But the right song can make someone pick up a chair.

Music has always pushed ahead social movements and can do much more than just dumb down a populace.

I have offered myself to the inkwell of the wordsmith that I might be shaped into new terms of being.

American culture is often so self-consumed that we often think that our problems are just our problems.

I'm very excited about the resurgence of vinyl which seems to parallel a growing interest in live performance.

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