I hate confrontations.

For me, luxury is subjective.

I feel every kid has to be naughty.

Financial security is important to me.

The thought of marriage makes me weak.

I am learning self-defense techniques.

I know a Bollywood actress' tenure is limited.

To be honest, I was never against marrying Kunal.

I don't like to discuss my personal life in public.

I think it is crucial to diversify one's portfolio.

I wanted corporate experience before I joined films.

I really love playing badminton and doing crosswords.

It requires a huge amount of intelligence to be an actor.

There are parental concerns when one's daughter joins films.

The idea is to resist being typecast. I like doing different things.

I am quite comfortable in my own skin and I am also a secure person.

Being the youngest sibling, I've always been the most pampered child.

Security for women needs to focussed on every section of the society.

My career is important but it's not the be-all and end-all of my life.

I have always felt the only reason to get married is to have children.

I think parenthood brought a certain change of habits in my daily days.

I think the female actors are far more intelligent than the male actors.

Motherhood has changed me completely; you are not in control of yourself.

I want to enjoy work and enjoy my life. I can't get stressed with competition.

It was only after moving to Mumbai that I was completely seduced by Bollywood.

I am bound to get carried away by anyone who approaches me with a good script.

There is no perfect relationship. You have to work around the dissatisfaction.

Children always tend to imitate everything that we are doing in front of them.

I've seen what a difference a good director can make to an actor's performance.

A non-fussy home delivery of chicken biryani at 3 A.M., absolutely makes my day.

I am the youngest in my family, and have never been responsible for anyone else.

I'm a creature of habit and prefer spending time with the people who matter to me.

My mother is a very liberal wife and mother, so there was no peer pressure to marry.

I am allergic to metals, so, I am minimal on accessories. Also, I don't wear watches.

I have always said some of the finest filmmakers in the country have come out of Bengal.

I think we all take the vada pav for granted, like we take the special people in our lives.

You can't leave the fight against terrorism to the government because it affects us as well.

I don't have a manager or a publicist and am hardly seen at film parties. I am not ambitious.

Never put your savings in risky investments. Only disposable income should find its way there.

Being a parent, is without any doubt, one of the most difficult things that you can do in life.

I know how difficult it is to be an actor and work and then have to look after your personal life.

I don't think anything changes after marriage. Things change in a big way after becoming a mother.

I think it is important to do good work and last longer than to do lot of work and burn out quickly.

I hope 'Tum Mile' works in the same way as 'Jannat' or else I will be blamed if it does not do well.

I don't think you should put all your money in one place. It must be invested in different investments.

When I was born, mom wasn't doing films at all, so I was never exposed that much to the world of acting.

I've always felt when you are committed in a relationship, you have to work through the difficult times.

It's all about good scripts and roles that count. The language barrier does not make any difference for me.

My brother advises me on what kind of films to do, which directors to work with and which scripts have potential.

We are a multicultural family. My mother is Hindu, my father Muslim. We celebrate every festival, be it Diwali or Eid.

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