I like being with people. I like talking to them. I like everything about my life, so it's fun.

I think people have always loved things that are bigger than life, things that are imaginative.

I think kids love superheroes, and the more you can crowd into a story, the more excited they get.

Marvel Studios has depicted the Marvel superheroes so beautifully that the whole world loves them.

When I was a kid, Disney was one of my gods. I just loved movies like 'Snow White' and 'Pinocchio.'

I'd like to own Intel... I'd like to own Microsoft... I'd love to have Warner Bros in my hip pocket.

Sooner or later, if man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance.

You always exaggerate things in a movie. If it makes a good visual and it excites the kids that's good.

I'm not that familiar with Andrew Garfield, but if the powers that be chose him, I'm sure he'll be good.

In fact, I was too dumb to save any of the old comic books or the old artwork. I used to give them away.

If you enjoy what you do, if you are interested in what you do, I really think that's the best situation.

I didn’t write 'Guardians of the Galaxy.' I’m not even sure who they all are. I can’t wait to see the movie.

I think the way you become a good storyteller is to read a lot of stories and evaluate them in your own mind.

I know the world expects me to have superpowers, and it'll be quite a disappointment. But I just play myself.

The only advice anybody can give is, if you wanna be a writer, keep writing. And read all you can, read everything.

Singing a song, playing sports - anything that entertains, that takes people away from their own problems, is good.

The comic book industry has turned into the wellspring for all of these movies that are all based on the comic books.

Negative information is that which, immediately upon acquiring, causes the recipient to know less than he did before.

The power of prayer is still the greatest ever known in this endless eternal universe.-The Watcher in The Avengers #14

I work with people and we come up with ideas for movies, television and things like that. It's fun and I love doing it.

All of the characters at Marvel were my ideas, but the ideas meant nothing unless I had somebody who could illustrate it.

Comics are stories; they're like novels or anything else. So the first thing you have to do is become a good storyteller.

I don't wake up in the morning and say, wow I've got a great idea for a story. But I sit down, and I figure well, let's see.

I was in the beginning when [comic book superheroes] started, but not anymore. Now I expect it. I've gotten very used to it.

We live in a diverse society - in fact, a diverse world - and we must learn to live in peace and with respect for each other.

I'm a frustrated actor. My ... goal is to beat Alfred Hitchcock in the number of cameos. I'm going to try to break his record.

I had a publisher who felt comics were just for little kiddies, so he never wanted me to use words of more than two syllables.

I enjoy the fact that we have these mobile comics now, which are sort of a cross between a comic book and an animated cartoon.

I am so impressed with people who can really make a big movie, a good movie. The amount of work that goes into it is incredible.

It's totally irrational, patently insane to condemn an entire race - to despise an entire nation - to vilify an entire religion.

I thought it would be great to do superheroes that have the same kind of life problems that any reader - that anybody could have.

These stories of people with unusual powers and unusual appearances, who do unusual things, people are always fascinated by them.

When you combine the great stories from the comics with the action and visual excitement of the movies, it doesn't get any better!

I never thought that Spider-Man would become the world wide icon that he is. I just hoped the books would sell and I'd keep my job.

I'm practically an actor. Even when you do an interview, it's like you're performing a little bit, so yeah, I'm enjoying it, it's fun.

People are pissed off about the seemingly impossible goal of social mobility. their proposed solution is to take the wheels off the cart.

No matter what you write, it's a matter of putting words in a certain order so that the reader will be interested in what you're writing.

For years, kids have been asking me what's the greatest superpower. I always say luck. If you're lucky, everything works. I've been lucky.

I'm as excited as a kid with a new toy to be able to create a unique, exciting, urban superhero for a magazine that I respect as much as VIBE.

When writing, I model all the heroes after myself. Of course, it's hard to make them quite as wonderful as I am, but I come as close as I can.

Every kid loves fairy tales, stories of witches and giants and magicians. Then, when you get a little older you can't read fairy tales anymore.

When I was a kid, I loved reading Sherlock Holmes. Now, you don't think of him as a superhero, but he was so damn much smarter than anybody else.

When you work with people whom you like and you admire because they're so good at what they do, it doesn't feel like work. It's like you're playing.

I always figure I'm not unique, and something that would please me hopefully would please a lot of other people that have the same tastes that I do.

I wanted them to be diverse. The whole underlying principle of the X-Men was to try to be an anti-bigotry story to show there's good in every person.

We have enough to do just trying to make our company what we want it to be. As far as whether I would like to own Marvel, sure, I'd like to own Marvel.

I am always nostalgic being in New York. Every neighborhood represents something to me. I lived here until I was 60 years old or so. So it was my life.

I enjoyed reading Batman, and Superman, and all the super ones, but I never wished I created them. I've got to let there be some work for other people!

What the hell could you do? I've never been arrested, I haven't taken drugs, I've had the same wife for 54 years; where's anything of interest to people?

If you're writing about a character, if he's a powerful character, unless you give him vulnerability I don't think he'll be as interesting to the reader.

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