Being out of tune sucks.

MTV ruined music for us.

I got to work with legendary people.

I've had a lot of self-esteem issues.

I listen to Miles Davis and Slipknot.

I've got the coolest job in the world.

The Beatles are the 'on switch' to my life.

I played on Asia records with Geoff Downes.

In sports, stats count. Music? Not so much.

I'm a weird guy with a weird sense of humor.

I quit drinking, smoking, doing anything bad.

When God plays guitar he uses Jeff Beck's hands.

I worked with Paul McCartney, and he was lovely.

Gear not working on a live show - that is rough.

There's no such thing as a lead singer in our band.

The right notes mean more than 1,000 mph arpeggios.

We've always had a sense of humor - look at our name.

There's not an anti-Toto spray that will keep us down.

Don't practise what you know - practise what you don't know.

The music business used to be filled with people who love music.

Playing live is one thing. Playing under a microscope is another.

Everyone I know, including myself, has missed or lost an audition.

I have been using small teardrop jazz picks since I was, like, 14.

I played all the guitar parts except the guitar solo on 'Beat It.'

The myth that 'old' guys can't write anything fresh is just a myth.

God bless classic rock. It's been very good to me; I'll tell you that.

When you're young, you can burn the candle at both ends, and you're fine.

If someone sees me with what looks like a beer, it's always zero per cent.

I've never stopped working, and I still have 'pinch me' moments all the time.

Believe me, when I saw 'Family Guy' do the bit on 'Africa,' I howled laughing.

When I was a kid, thinking of just being near a Beatle was an unattainable dream.

I don't see why I can't listen to Miles Davis and Slipknot in the same afternoon.

The greatest feeling in the world is performing and connecting with the audience.

Don't play too loud! Bleed-through on stage can be brutal to front-of-house sound.

I was a good father. I was a nice guy, pretty good guitar player, and funny as hell.

When the 'Thriller' album came up, we all knew that was going to be the cool record.

Henley's one of my favorite singers. I've maintained a friendship with Don over the years.

I worked with Chris Squire on a Greg Lake record in the early '80s, worked with Alan White.

We have always been like The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac in that we have numerous lead singers.

We've had to develop a super-thick skin. We've been beaten up more than any band in history.

I read a lot of biographies, and so much is just so boring or so, like, 'Why did you say that?'

People think being famous is fun. It's not. Even a little bit of fame. It's bizarre. It's weird.

We always felt it helped during live shows to have multiple lead singers to give our voices a break.

I was asked to be in Elton John's band, Joni Mitchell's band, and Miles Davis' band. I couldn't do it.

I really try to play to my strengths, man. I'm never going to be Guthrie Govan: he's a brilliant player.

I wish I had perfect pitch, but I don't, and thanks to the miracle of YouTube, a bad night lives forever!

You look out in our audiences, you don't see a sea of white-haired people. You see a lot of younger people.

In the '60s, people had diverse tastes, which made the musical climate that much better and more interesting.

As a session player for so many years, I have found myself in rooms looking around going, 'Is this for real?'

To me, our signature song was 'Rosanna.' That was the ultimate Toto track, where everybody had a chance to shine.

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