I want to be an activist professor.

And the crowd often betrayed the people

We integrate the good wherever we find it.

There is no faith, without a critical mind

Political rhetoric leads only to confusion.

We have to be the media when media is silent

In Ramadan, you should eat less and think more.

If you know how to live, even death is good news

Stand up for your values, be courageous and humble

To be courageous is to be a voice for the voiceless

There is nothing more Islamic than critical thinking.

I am too old to think that numbers are creating change

Political confusion starts with terminology confusion.

If you do not have boundaries, you do not have a path.

Lack of consistency is a weakness shared by all nations.

We need more citizens that are committed and courageous.

The only way to resist colonialism is through education.

Life is not black and white when it comes to perception.

The most dangerous prisons are those with invisible bars

Never forget your dialogue with God, it is your strength.

The Truth does not belong to you, you belong to the Truth.

Only in the crucible of self-mastery can freedom be smelted

Islam doesn't need reform, we need to reform the Muslim mind.

Pray in the night so that you can change the world in the day

Ramadan is, in its essence, a month of humanist spirituality.

A Muslim should be sincerely religious AND politically aware.

Don't treat people the way they treat you. Treat them better.

Your country needs religious leaders and religious politicians

We are in a world that is connected, but is not communicating.

There is One God. We have an epistemic center. There is meaning.

Modesty is the way you deal with beauty not the way you avoid it.

Every country in Europe needs immigrants for its economic survival.

Jihadists are acting against the interests of every single country.

If you are not at peace with yourself then you cannot spread peace.

We fail when we try to give simple answers to complicated problems.

Do not respond to attacks with attacks. Respond with Mercy & Respect

We want to tell people how great Islam is yet we are not great Muslims.

If you want to have a good life, never forget that you are going to die

The universality of Islam is not uniformity, it is unity with diversity.

The process of reclaiming the self is one of reconciliation with meaning.

Sometimes people confuse silence as wisdom when in fact it is compromise.

We should not treat people as they treat us, we should treat them better.

The rich stick together; the poor and the marginalised are thrown together.

Muslim societies must leave behind these dual aspects: secularism/Islamism.

We need modesty not only in the way we dress; we need intellectual modesty.

We need to challenge the dominant culture: by ethics, principles and values.

The universe is pregnant with signs that recall the presence of the Creator.

A true teacher doesn't teach you to think like him, but to think without him.

The diversity is the risk of war, the necessity of diversity is mutual respect

To be kind is good. To be kind without expecting anything in return is better.

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